The Senior Starman
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Yes,i finally made the creepypasta.To tell you the truth.I think i exaggerated on most part but you decide if it's terrible or not.I find it terrible.It is my first creepypasta.Here you go
The Original Version(the lame one)
Ness Commits Suicide by Berry
December 3,2012
Nothing ever been the same since the death of Burtan.The Funeral was really quick, mostly cause of his love ones didn't showing up for which i found really odd because he was the lovable one.It was just me,ma, pa, and some few cousin that just happen to be a around.Nothing much but some few praches and occasional cries.I had to give a speech about how he was to young to die and how that departing from the earth will be better for him.After the funeral, we visited his lawyer to hear his will. It was the same ordinary thing like who gets who, what money goes to who. I wasn't surprise that much to see i was rarely mention in the will as me and my bro had a fallen out.Until the last part of the will.The lawyer looked grimly at me as if he was scared for my will being. He wanted this to be a private matter.As my family went home,The lawyer gived me a ordinary looking box.He told me that Burtan decided to give it to me cause he know i will make a good decision. I wish i was never born inmy life as i was to discover an ugly truth as i later found out. Whe i return home,i open the box. The box had the journal of Burtan,a copy of Melee and Brawl with a note that stated “I know you will make the correct decision”. I didn't really knew what that meant nor was i really interested at the games cause i only owned a Playstation 3.It never actually dawn to me why he give me his journal since he always called it for “sissy”, so this got me my attention later on.And my curiosity caught to me and read the first page.
Burtan Wrote:September 6,2012
I've decided to get this journal to tell a story that happen to me from where it started. It all begin at the afternoon where i discover a website called Did You Know Gaming. I was so intrugue by the facts and decided to read the forums. I went to the Submit a did you know section to see some more facts or wrong facts and i stumbled upon one thread and it was called “Ness commits Suicide” and as i read
“In Super Smash Bros. Melee, whenever you fight against Ness at Jungle Japes will result in the CPU jumping for its death at the beginning of the battle.”
I was so surprise by this one that i didn't even bother reading the rest of the post and went to the game(cause i still own Melee and the Gamecube) and tried it out myself. It was fun for the last 30 minutes watching Ness commit suicide and i tried it with just about all my characters that i unlock. But the next time i tried it and it froze. I didn't understand why but i felt as if Ness was smiling.
That was the end of this day.
December 6,2012
I was busy doing my job that i didn't get time to read the stuff that my brother wrote. So when the weekend came i didn't waste time to read.
Burtan Wrote:September 13,2012
I have finally gotten Super Smash Bros. Brawl and my Wii and i started playing. I decided to do the Ness Suicide and see if it worked but i was in a surprise. I started the match on Jungle Japes and leveling Ness to lvl. 9 and i as it was begging the fight the game froze. And i saw Ness Smiling again. I was creeped out and decided to reset the Wii. When the menu came up i press the Start Game but nothing showed up.The intro didn't happen.As i was about to give up, Something finally showed up though not what i expected.It was Ness giving that chilling smile and it was in the jungle japes area though something was odd about this and i realize what happen.As i looked at the river it was Red, and when i looked at Ness face more closely i saw red splatter in his face. Ness killed the entire Brawl Roster! I was so scared that i didn't do anything just watching Ness looking at me giving that evil smile,knowing full well what he done and is happy about it.I didn't expect anything else until he give his signature scream whenever he died and the number 33 showed up.I didn't knew what this meant.I turn off the Wii expecting something creepy to happen but nothing happen of the sort.All i know was that this night i dream that Ness was looking at me with no face.
I was surprise that my brother made such a lie but deep inside i felt as if he was telling the truth
December 7, 2012
Where was i continueing,oh yeah i remenber now.
Burtan Wrote:September 18,2012
Haven't played the game since the freak accident. I've decided to give it to my friend who was a HUGE nintendo fan.It all started in the Morning where we chatted on the phone and when i mention the accident he begged me to let him borrow it. I was scared but finally he let me convinced that nothing will go wrong.This afternooni give it to him.
That day finished really quickly and as i was about to close the book a paper felled out and as i read.
The Newspaper Wrote:September 18,2012
In the Middle of the night,a boy has been found in the river dead. The police force stated that it might be a suicide and it neither explained why the Kid did it. Witness has stated that”we didn't thought much of him until he started smiling and started screaming ” NESS COMMITED SUICIDE”. The family....
To read more go to SUICIDE at A3.
I didn't slept this day.
December 12,2012
Sorry for being so late but i was spooked by the tale and didn't have the courage to read more. So here is some more.
Burtan Wrote:September 20, 2012
After the death of my friend i was crying that it might be my fault this whole time.I can't escape from thoughts of telling people what i done. A day can't pass without me remenbering memories about my friend. So i decided to go to the bottom of this. I went to a friend of mine and his girlfriend and told him if he knows any people that can help me with this delimma and told me to visit Sanchez,a person who knows everything about video games.As i visited Sanchez and told him him what happen.But as i told him he freaked out and told me how many numbers showed up.I told him 33 and then he went to his desk and cried.
I checked if there was loose paper and sure it was.
The Newspaper Wrote:At September 21,2012
There was the death of 2 people who's bodies were found at the river.,there were identify as Lloyd and Daina. Though no one knows for sure if they commited suicide nor does it makes sense they both died. Or possibly connected to the deathof anothor unfortunateThe cops thinks there is a connection........To read more go to Death Connection at A3
I didn't knew why he kept this so i kept reading.
The Newspaper Wrote:At September 23,2012 There was a order of arrest to an individual named Burtan.It was stated by the police that they may finally caught the criminal.
I was shocked that nobody told me of this one.But then again,My brother never tells me of anything,so id be the last person to know.
January 3 ,2013
As i went to the police station to see the interview of Burtan.I saw the following thing.
The Interview Wrote:Police: Why did you kill the Three Victims!!!?
Burtan: For the last time,i didn't do it.
Police: You know what they do to people in jail.Huh.
Burtan: Yes,i heard that swag means Secretly we are Gay and it originated from Prison,I get it.
Police:Than you better tell.
Burtan:For the last time,I DIDN'T DO IT!
Police:Than we will see you in a long time in a jail.
Then the police gived me a Newspaper
The Newspaper Wrote:At November 03,2012
A policeman was found dead near the river where the last three victim took place...........Read more at Murder at A3
Then there was this one.
The Interview Wrote:Burtan: Why is This Happening?
Sanchez: I will tell you what this mean.There was this curse that was made by a blind-paraplegic lesbian priest. The priest later gived it to The guy that later swear a lot and told stories about how you trigger the curse by doing what you did but your soppuse to do it on purpose.He later mention how the music was playing backwards and at half speed.
Burtan: Are you Serious.
Sanchez: Of Course FUCKING no.
Sanchez: Look, It is based on how many times Ness Commited Suicide.
Sanchez: I'm Sorry.
Sanchez Leaves the room
Until now i realize why he did it.
The Interview Wrote:Burtan:I admit,I did it.
Police:Why did you do it.
Burtan pulls out a gun and shoots the officer.Then Burtan looks at the camera and says “NESS COMMITED SUICIDE” and leaves the room.
And as if i didn't knew already.The policeman gived me a Newspaper.
The Newspaper Wrote:At November 23,2012.It has reported that the murderer Burtan has commited suicide by jumping on the river.Police states that he may be a psycopath..........Read more at MURDER SOLVED? At A3
Janaury 5,2012
It all makes sense now.Why he gived me these games.So this afternoon,i threw the box while it was on fire to the river where the deaths took place.As i did that a kid came to me and told me why i did it.
Me: will because i finally understood why
Kid: But why at the river.
Now as though i was controlled i said “Beware of Jungle Japes kid.”
Kid: WHY?
Me: because......
But i was inturrupted by the kid.
Kid: BECAUSE NESS COMMITED SUICIDE. _________________________________________________________________________
SERIOUSLY THOUGH behind the Edit Version
SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote:Here's the first part of the correction. Your English is really good, the main issue you have is that you make a lot of phonetic mistake - 'fallen out' rather than 'falling out'. I say read more English, rather than just watching videos or playing games, then you'll get the spelling rather than just the phonetic word. Then just some things about you using the indicative rather than the past tense, but other than that, you're English is pretty awesome 
Ness Commits Suicide, by Berry
December 3rd, 2012
Nothing has ever been the same since the death of Burtan. The funeral was really quick; mostly due to the fact that his loved ones didn't show up (which I found really odd because he was the lovable one). It was just me, ma, pa, and a few cousins that just happened to be around. Nothing much but some few praches[wut?] and occasional cries. I had to give a speech about how he was too young to die and how that departing from the earth would be better for him. After the funeral, we visited his lawyer to hear his will. It was the same ordinary thing; like who gets who, what money goes to whom. I wasn't much surprised to see that I was rarely mentioned in the will, as me and my bro had a falling out. Until the last part of the will…
The lawyer looked grimly at me as if he were scared for my wellbeing. He wanted this to be a private matter. As my family went home, the lawyer gave me an ordinary looking box. He told me that Burtan had decided to give it to me because he knew I would make a good decision. I wish I was never born as I was to discover an ugly truth. Upon returning home, I opened the box. It contained Burtan’s journal, a copy of Melee and Brawl with a note that stated “I know you will make the correct decision”. I didn't really know what that meant, nor was I really interested with the games because I only owned a Playstation 3. It never actually dawned on me why he gave me his journal since he always said it was for “sissies”, and so this caught my attention later on. My curiosity got the better of me and I read the first page.
Burtan Wrote:
September 6th,2012
I've decided to get this journal to tell a story that happened to me, from the beginning. It all began the afternoon when I discovered a website called Did You Know Gaming. I was so intrigued by the facts that I decided to read the forums. I went to the “Submit A Did You Know” section to see some more facts or wrong facts and stumbled upon one thread called “Ness commits Suicide”. It said
“In Super Smash Bros. Melee, whenever you fight against Ness at Jungle Japes will result in the CPU jumping for its death at the beginning of the battle.”
I was so surprised by this one that I didn't even bother reading the rest of the post and went to the game (because I still own Melee and the Gamecube) to try it out myself. It was fun watching Ness commit suicide for 30 minutes and I tried it with just about all my characters that I had unlocked. The next time I tried it however, it froze. I didn't understand why but it looked as if Ness was smiling.
That was the end of this day.
December 6th, 2012
I was busy working that I didn't get time to read the rest of the stuff that my brother wrote. So when the weekend came, I didn't waste time and continued reading.
Burtan Wrote:
September 13th, 2012
I have finally gotten Super Smash Bros. Brawl and my Wii, and have started playing. I decided to do the Ness Suicide and see if it worked but I was in for a surprise. I started the match on Jungle Japes against a level 9 Ness and at the beginning the fight, the game froze. I saw Ness smiling again. I was creeped out and decided to reset the Wii. When the menu came up, I pressed ‘Start Game’ but nothing showed up. The intro didn't play. As I was about to give up, something finally showed up – though not what I had expected. It was Ness giving that chilling smile and it was in the jungle japes area, though something was odd about this and I realized what was up. When I looked at the river, I noticed it was Red, Ness’s face was also covered in the same colour. Ness had killed the entire Brawl Roster [ Wait, wut ? How did you come up to that conclusion?]! I was so scared that I didn't do anything, I just watched Ness looking at me giving that evil smile, knowing full well what he had done, something that he was very happy about. I didn't expect anything else and jumped when he gave his signature dying scream, coupled by the number 33 showing up. I didn't know what this meant. I turned off the Wii, expecting something creepy to happen, but nothing did. All I know was that tonight, Ness came to me in my dream. He didn’t have a face.
I was surprise that my brother made such a lie, but deep inside I felt that he was telling the truth
December 7th, 2012
Where was I ? Oh yeah, I remember now.
Burtan Wrote:
September 18th ,2012
Haven't played the game since that freak accident. I've decided to give it to my friend who was a HUGE Nintendo fan. It all started in the morning when we chatted on the phone. When I mentioned the accident, he begged me to let him borrow it. I was scared, but finally he convinced me that nothing would go wrong. This afternoon I gave it to him.
That day finished really quickly, and as I was about to close the book, a paper fell out…
The Newspaper Wrote:
September 18th,2012
In the middle of the night, a boy has been found dead in the river. The police force stated that it might be a suicide though did not explain why the Kid had done so. A witness stated that “we didn't think much of him until he started smiling, screaming “NESS COMMITED SUICIDE”. The family....
To read more go to SUICIDE on page 3.
I didn't sleep that day.
December 12th,2012
Sorry for being so late but I was spooked by the tale and didn't have the courage to read more. So here is some more.
Burtan Wrote:
September 20th, 2012
After the death of my friend, I was crying that it might be my fault this whole time. I can't escape from thoughts of telling people what I’ve done. A day can't pass without me remembering my friend. So I decided to get to the bottom of this. I went to a friend of mine and his girlfriend, and asked him if he knew any people that could help me with this dilemma. He told me to visit Sanchez, a person who knows everything about video games. I visited Sanchez, telling him what had happened. But as I told him he freaked out and asked me if a number had come up. I told him 33, causing him to go to his desk and cry.
I checked if there was loose paper and there sure was.
The Newspaper Wrote:
September 21st,2012
Two bodeis were found at the river. They were identified as Lloyd and Daina. However, no-one knows for sure if they committed suicide or why they would have done so. There is a possible connection with the death of another. The cops think there is a connection........To read more go to Death Connection on page 3
I didn't know why he kept this so I kept reading.
The Newspaper Wrote:
On September 23rd,2012, there was an arrest warrant issued to an individual named Burtan. It was stated by the police that they may have finally caught the criminal.
I was shocked that nobody told me about this (but then again, my brother never tells me anything, so I’d be the last person to know).
(09-09-2012 07:47 AM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: Here's the edited roster part first of all
"When the menu came up i press the Start Game but nothing showed up. Instead of the usual intro, the Brawl Menu appeared. I went to the Brawl Roster menu, relieved. But to my surprise, there was only one character – Ness. I found this very odd, a feeling that was further heightened when the Jungle Japes stage was selected for me. The screen went black for a few minutes. As I was about to give up, something finally showed up – though not what I had expected. It was Ness giving that chilling smile, and it was in the jungle japes area, though something was odd about this and I realized what was up. When I looked at the river, I noticed it was red, Ness’s face was also covered in the same colour. Ness had killed the entire Brawl Roster! I was so scared that I didn't do anything, I just watched Ness looking at me giving that evil smile,"
And here's part 2. All done and dusted 
January 3rd, 2013
Upon arrival at the police station, I found Burtan’s interview, it said the following.
The Interview Wrote :
Police: Why did you kill those three people!!!?
Burtan: For the last time, I didn't do it.
Police: You do know what they do to people in jail, huh?
Burtan: Yes, I heard that SWAG means Secretly We Are Gay and that it originated from prison, I get it.
Police: Then you better tell us the truth.
Burtan: For the last time, I DIDN'T DO IT!
Police: Then we will see you go down for a long time.
Then the police gave me a Newspaper
The Newspaper Wrote:
November 03rd,2012
A policeman was found dead near the same river in which the last three victims were found........... Read more at “Murder” on page 3
Then there was this one.
The Interview Wrote:
Burtan: Why is This Happening?
Sanchez: I’ll tell you what this means. There was this curse laid by a blind-paraplegic lesbian priest. The priest later gave it to the guy that swears a lot and told stories about how you trigger the curse by doing what you did but you suppose to do it on purpose. He later mentioned how the music was playing backwards and at half speed.
Burtan: Are you Serious?
Sanchez: Of FUCKING course not.
Sanchez: Look, it is based on how many times Ness committed suicide.
Sanchez: I'm Sorry.
Sanchez leaves the room
Now, I realise why he did it.
The Interview Wrote:
Burtan: I admit; I did it.
Police: Why did you do it?
Burtan pulls out a gun and shoots the officer. Then Burtan looks at the camera and says “NESS COMMITED SUICIDE” and escapes.
And as if I didn't already know. The policeman gave me a Newspaper.
The Newspaper Wrote:
At November 23rd, 2012. It has been reported that the murderer Burtan has commited suicide by jumping into the river. The Police states that he may be a psychopath..........Read more at “MURDER SOLVED?” on page 3
Janaury 5th, 2012
It all makes sense now. Why he gave me these games. So this afternoon, I threw the box – after setting it on fire – into the river where the deaths took place. As I did, a kid came to me and asked me why I was doing that.
Me: Because I finally understood why...
Kid: But why into the river.
Now as though I was controlled by a greater force, I said “Beware of Jungle Japes, kid...”
Kid: WHY?
Me: because......
But I was interrupted by the kid.
The Perfect Version
(The better,longer,improved version that include the extra scene of the unexplained Brawl's Death)
December 3rd, 2012
Nothing has ever been the same since the death of Burtan. The funeral was really quick; mostly due to the fact that his loved ones didn't show up (which I found really odd because he was the lovable one). It was just me, ma, pa, and a few cousins that just happened to be around. Nothing much but some few preaches and occasional cries. I had to give a speech about how he was too young to die and how that departing from the earth would be better for him. After the funeral, we visited his lawyer to hear his will. It was the same ordinary thing; like who gets who, what money goes to whom. I wasn't much surprised to see that I was rarely mentioned in the will, as me and my bro had a falling out. Until the last part of the will…
The lawyer looked grimly at me as if he were scared for my wellbeing. He wanted this to be a private matter. As my family went home, the lawyer gave me an ordinary looking box. He told me that Burtan had decided to give it to me because he knew I would make a good decision. I wish I was never born as I was to discover an ugly truth. Upon returning home, I opened the box. It contained Burtan’s journal, a copy of Melee and Brawl with a note that stated “I know you will make the correct decision”. I didn't really know what that meant, nor was I really interested with the games because I only owned a Playstation 3. It never actually dawned on me why he gave me his journal since he always said it was for “sissies”, and so this caught my attention later on. My curiosity got the better of me and I read the first page.
Burtan Wrote:September 6th,2012
I've decided to get this journal to tell a story that happened to me, from the beginning. It all began the afternoon when I discovered a website called Did You Know Gaming. I was so intrigued by the facts that I decided to read the forums. I went to the “Submit A Did You Know” section to see some more facts or wrong facts and stumbled upon one thread called “Ness commits Suicide”. It said
“In Super Smash Bros. Melee, whenever you fight against Ness at Jungle Japes will result in the CPU jumping for its death at the beginning of the battle.”
I was so surprised by this one that I didn't even bother reading the rest of the post and went to the game (because I still own Melee and the Gamecube) to try it out myself. It was fun watching Ness commit suicide for 30 minutes and I tried it with just about all my characters that I had unlocked. The next time I tried it however, it froze. I didn't understand why but it looked as if Ness was smiling.
That was the end of this day.
December 6th, 2012
I was busy working that I didn't get time to read the rest of the stuff that my brother wrote. So when the weekend came, I didn't waste time and continued reading.
Burtan Wrote:September 13th, 2012
I have finally gotten Super Smash Bros. Brawl and my Wii, and have started playing. I decided to do the Ness Suicide and see if it worked but I was in for a surprise. I started the match on Jungle Japes against a level 9 Ness and at the beginning the fight, the game froze. I saw Ness smiling again. I was creeped out and decided to reset the Wii.When the menu came up i press the Start Game but nothing showed up. Instead of the usual intro, the Brawl Menu appeared. I went to the Brawl Roster menu, relieved. But to my surprise, there was only one character – Ness. I found this very odd, a feeling that was further heightened when the Jungle Japes stage was selected for me. The screen went black for a few minutes. As I was about to give up, something finally showed up – though not what I had expected. It was Ness giving that chilling smile, and it was in the jungle japes area, though something was odd about this and I realized what was up. When I looked at the river, I noticed it was red, Ness’s face was also covered in the same colour. Ness had killed the entire Brawl Roster! I was so scared that I didn't do anything, I just watched Ness looking at me giving that evil smile, and it was in the jungle japes area, though something was odd about this and I realized what was up. When I looked at the river, I noticed it was Red, Ness’s face was also covered in the same colour. Ness had killed the entire Brawl Roster! I was so scared that I didn't do anything, I just watched Ness looking at me giving that evil smile, knowing full well what he had done, something that he was very happy about. I didn't expect anything else and jumped when he gave his signature dying scream, coupled by the number 33 showing up. I didn't know what this meant. I turned off the Wii, expecting something creepy to happen, but nothing did. All I know was that tonight, Ness came to me in my dream. He didn’t have a face.
I was surprise that my brother made such a lie, but deep inside I felt that he was telling the truth
December 7th, 2012
Where was I ? Oh yeah, I remember now.
Burtan Wrote:September 18th ,2012
Haven't played the game since that freak accident. I've decided to give it to my friend who was a HUGE Nintendo fan. It all started in the morning when we chatted on the phone. When I mentioned the accident, he begged me to let him borrow it. I was scared, but finally he convinced me that nothing would go wrong. This afternoon I gave it to him.
That day finished really quickly, and as I was about to close the book, a paper fell out…
The Newspaper Wrote:September 18th,2012
In the middle of the night, a boy has been found dead in the river. The police force stated that it might be a suicide though did not explain why the Kid had done so. A witness stated that “we didn't think much of him until he started smiling, screaming “NESS COMMITED SUICIDE”. The family....
To read more go to SUICIDE on page 3.
I didn't sleep that day.
December 12th,2012
Sorry for being so late but I was spooked by the tale and didn't have the courage to read more. So here is some more.
Burtan Wrote:September 20th, 2012
After the death of my friend, I was crying that it might be my fault this whole time. I can't escape from thoughts of telling people what I’ve done. A day can't pass without me remembering my friend. So I decided to get to the bottom of this. I went to a friend of mine and his girlfriend, and asked him if he knew any people that could help me with this dilemma. He told me to visit Sanchez, a person who knows everything about video games. I visited Sanchez, telling him what had happened. But as I told him he freaked out and asked me if a number had come up. I told him 33, causing him to go to his desk and cry.
I checked if there was loose paper and there sure was.
The Newspaper Wrote:September 21st,2012
Two bodies were found at the river. They were identified as Lloyd and Daina. However, no-one knows for sure if they committed suicide or why they would have done so. There is a possible connection with the death of another. The cops think there is a connection........To read more go to Death Connection on page 3
I didn't know why he kept this so I kept reading.
The Newspaper Wrote:On September 23rd,2012, there was an arrest warrant issued to an individual named Burtan. It was stated by the police that they may have finally caught the criminal.
I was shocked that nobody told me about this (but then again, my brother never tells me anything, so I’d be the last person to know).
January 3rd, 2013
Upon arrival at the police station, I found Burtan’s interview, it said the following.
The Interview Wrote:Police: Why did you kill those three people!!!?
Burtan: For the last time, I didn't do it.
Police: You do know what they do to people in jail, huh?
Burtan: Yes, I heard that SWAG means Secretly We Are Gay and that it originated from prison, I get it.
Police: Then you better tell us the truth.
Burtan: For the last time, I DIDN'T DO IT!
Police: Then we will see you go down for a long time.
Then the police gave me a Newspaper
The Newspaper Wrote:November 03rd,2012
A policeman was found dead near the same river in which the last three victims were found........... Read more at “Murder” on page 3
Then there was this one.
The Interview Wrote:Burtan: Why is This Happening?
Sanchez: I’ll tell you what this means. There was this curse laid by a blind-paraplegic lesbian priest. The priest later gave it to the guy that swears a lot and told stories about how you trigger the curse by doing what you did but you suppose to do it on purpose. He later mentioned how the music was playing backwards and at half speed.
Burtan: Are you Serious?
Sanchez: Of FUCKING course not.
Sanchez: Look, it is based on how many times Ness committed suicide.
Sanchez: I'm Sorry.
Sanchez leaves the room
Now, I realise why he did it.
The Interview Wrote:Burtan: I admit; I did it.
Police: Why did you do it?
Burtan pulls out a gun and shoots the officer. Then Burtan looks at the camera and says “NESS COMMITED SUICIDE” and escapes.
And as if I didn't already know. The policeman gave me a Newspaper.
The Newspaper Wrote:At November 23rd, 2012. It has been reported that the murderer Burtan has commited suicide by jumping into the river. The Police states that he may be a psychopath..........Read more at “MURDER SOLVED?” on page 3
Janaury 5th, 2012
It all makes sense now. Why he gave me these games. So this afternoon, I threw the box – after setting it on fire – into the river where the deaths took place. As I did, a kid came to me and asked me why I was doing that.
Me: Because I finally understood why...
Kid: But why into the river.
Now as though I was controlled by a greater force, I said “Beware of Jungle Japes, kid...”
Kid: WHY?
Me: because......
But I was interrupted by the kid.
Here is the Credits
H.Isidro: for helping me think of the first draft.
R.Sanchez: cause he wanted a link. 
SERIOUSLY THOUGH: cause he made me think of that joke and helping to Revise it.
Special Thanks to Felipegpm.To it,this wouldn't be possible .
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2012 05:58 AM by Berry.)