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The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #16
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
(08-05-2012 10:42 AM)Beardy Wrote:  
(08-05-2012 10:36 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote:  Using other peoples history to hold against the men of today responsible? Cool.

Yeah, just like them damn niggers that complain that they've been historically held back by societal inertia.

Exactly. When it's really not the case.
"Black people are oppressed and will never gain power" He says living in America in which a black man in the President.

Feminisim is about how "Women are superior". Womans equality is about being educated on the matter and wanting the same rights. Having said that there are rights/perks that women get that men don't get. Such as Male Paternity Leave, Marriage rights, Male domestic abuse and even criminal punishment (for a man and women committing the same crime, the female will serve less). I still think that both men and women need to get their equality straight. If a female wants to rally for being paid fairly then they should. But saying men are scum etc is just man hating rather than fighting for something. I went to school with a feminist...oh the joys.
This video around the 0:18 is HILARIOUS!
I'm all for the equality of everyone as long as you don't shit on the everyone else. I'm not white myself so I know the kind of prejudice people get.

It doesn't matter how much you try to make sense of it, you can't. As you put, it's not a fear of gays but a secret hatred of them. It doesn't make any sense. None of their points against gay marriage are valid. Shoutouts to Westboro Baptist Church, North Carolina and Chick-fil-a.

As that often repeated phrase goes

Quote:Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a donut because you're on a diet.
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2012 11:49 PM by BumblebeeCody.)
08-05-2012 11:47 PM
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retrolinkx Offline
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Post: #17
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
I believe people know the point I've given towards Women in things like Games and Real Life but I want to get something straight.

I believe women are equal to men in a lot of things, but men can do things women can do better, and vise versa, regardless, if both sides want to be treated equally, both sides have to agree on treating the other equally.

I've seen how both sides have acted to the other, and I'm not the kind of guy that says "hurr woymn should b in kitchun mkn sandwedge" I believe that many women should stop complaining that they are being oppressed by this "dominant" male society, when they're not.

There are many things that women get away with because of the fact they're women, and they use this to their advantage, such as asking for free games on Steam and such.

I may not be a good arguer, or have many facts to back this up, but I have seen it myself, and know people who were stupid enough to do this.

But I just believe that women need to stop thinking they're being the oppressed ones and men are pigs etc, none of this happens anymore, and if it does, there are laws to stop this, so no one tries to do this anymore, and if they do, they go to the courts, and then jail, so they don't do it again.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone in this post, but I think that everyone's opinion is valid.

(08-05-2012 09:51 AM)Beardy Wrote:  Much love to retrolinkx for coming up with the same idea but being a lot more polite about it than I ever could be in the unpopular opinions thread.

No problem, I think it's good to share the hate, so in term people can have reasons to hate and not just because they don't like you.
(This post was last modified: 08-06-2012 12:35 AM by retrolinkx.)
08-06-2012 12:31 AM
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Beware of Cuccos Offline
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Post: #18
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
I have so many feels on these subjects. My dears, you may want to pull up some chairs.

For those of you that don't know, I am a 26 year old single female living in Houston Texas. As is my understanding, most of the world dislikes the USA, especially Texas. (Please correct me if I am wrong there)

On feminism- I think some women go way too far with this. However, I also believe they have every right to, even though I disagree that women are better than men. They put a bad out there for those of us that believe women and men are equals. People like to lump feminism and gender equality all in one, when they, in fact, are not the same thing.

Being a woman- is scary as hell. We are not totally equal. We still get lower wages for the same jobs, and not even considered for employment for others. (Example- construction) Did you know women have TEN TIMES the pain tolerance that men have? Why, you ask? Because we go through things like periods and childbirth. (Sidenote- I recently learned that the USA has the lowest allowed amount of time for maternity leave- 6 weeks. Also, I've never been pregnant, but a friend of mine and her husband are about to start trying)
Also, we are not socially accepted unless we wear certain clothes, have certain hair, and wear makeup. We can get fired for not wearing makeup. Men will never have to go through that at everyday jobs.
The word 'rape' is never funny. Going out of your way to use a different pronunciation of a word just so you can say it is disrespectful. It is what's known as a trigger word, which most men don't believe is real and will never understand. It is not funny or cute to be playing your shoot-em-up games while yelling "I TOTALLY RAPED YOU!!" Rape itself is neither fun nor funny. Victims that do speak out are told they were asking for it, which is why the majority of rapes are never, ever, even so much as known.

Gay marriage- FAB-U-LOUS. The recent Chick-fil-a nonsense sparked this old gem once again. I have no problem with the owner stating his opinion- that's his right. (Although I wish he wouldn't donate his money to those provenly harmful pray-away-the-gay hate groups) What's the problem is that this exists in the first place. We shouldn't have to be fighting for gay rights, they should already exist. I also have a much bigger problem with the people that ate there that day, as opposed to the owner. I've had quite a few interesting converations on this subject. here are some things i've been told, and my rebuttals, or vise versa..


I won't be eating at Chick-fil-a anymore.
So you're against free speech?
No. I am 100% for free speech. I don't want my money going to hateful organizations.
But it's in the bible.
I can't believe a book that's been re-written and translated hundreds of times by men.
But if gays can marry, then you know what's next? Men marrying boys, people marrying their dogs..
But it's two consenting adults.
Well, they just want the same benefits as us.
They can't reproduce.
So if a man and woman want to get married, but their insides are all messed up and they can't reproduce, they shouldn't be able to get married?
That's not the same.
How so?
It's in the bible.
The bible also doesn't believe in divorce or women wearing pants.
That's not the same.
If you're going to believe in the bible, you can't pick and choose which parts.

That pretty much sums up my views on that.

Black people- are the new racists. They do act entitled. Here's how things are in my town of Houston. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, almost all of the refugees came here, and almost all of them were black. A lot of them still haven't left. Our crime is at an all time high.
Most (not all) of the black people here in Houston are on some type of welfare. They become obese and claim they can't work, then have tons of kids to get even more money. That money comes from the paychecks of people like me, and that's not ok. Before taxes, I am barely above the poverty line. After taxes, I am way below. More on where my money goes in the next section..

Illegal immigrants- A new subject that has yet to be brought up. And a touchy one at that. I try my best to love everybody, but it is so hard. I was brought up to work for what I have, and I can't stand it that a huge chucnk of my pay goes to people that don't want to work, or people that are here illegally. I don't care how many Mexicans come here, as long as they do it the right way. (Bonus points if they take English and driving classes) My taxes are also going to their healthcare, when I can barely afford my yearly. Here's a good story- My best friend is half Mexican and half Portuguese. Her parents are here legally, but a lot of her cousins are not. Her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer around the same time one of her illegal cousins was to have a baby. Her illegal cousin got a very nice room in a top hospital on our side of town. Her mom had to go to a second-rate hospital the less than perfect doctors and dirty floors. How is that ok? The ones that do fill out their taxes claim 1 and 4, or 5, or 6.. which gives them so much more money. They claim their neices and nephews and deceased relatives (this goes for the black people too- they overlap in some ways)

I try to be a good person, but it's so hard nowadays. I work my ass off just to give my money to others that don't deserve it. I'm not saying all blacks/Mexicans are that way- but when the majority of a group of people acts one way, it makes the whole group look bad unfortunately.

That's all i'm going to write for now. My eyes are all fuzzy.

Please note: Although it sounds like it here, I am NOT a hateful person. All of my opinions here are based on experience, as I prefer not to watch or read the news.
08-06-2012 01:34 AM
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 Thanks given by: BumblebeeCody , Zaliphone

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Post: #19
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
(08-05-2012 11:47 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote:  Feminisim is about how "Women are superior".

I don't think that's the point of feminism at all, is it? True, there are some weirdo, hardcore types who bang on about the power of the vagina and stuff, but in general I think feminism is about being treated fairly.
08-06-2012 02:06 AM
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #20
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
@Beware of Cuccos and Beardy:
My issue on feminism nowadays isn't so much about wanting equality, but that feminists feel they are superior. I see blogs, articles, videos about "I'm a feminist and men are this/that". Compared to seeing a woman who is for equal rights. There's a huge difference between being a woman in the 19th century to a woman in 2000+. I already know that women get treated worse in certain areas, but the same can be said for men. The equality line is closing, but both sides still aren't equal. There are areas where men aren't equal (as I've pointed out before). I also have the same attitude to men who find themselves superior to women and their misogynistic BS. I've yet to find a feminist these days who makes a point that isn't biased. I'm for everyone being on equal ground. No for certain parties gaining certain perks.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Beardy. I understand what feminism is supposed (it's intended purpose) to mean, but the meaning seems to changed recently (based on what I've seen and heard). I think if you want to make a difference for women, don't complain about the men who don't view woman as inferior and anal about a guy being interested in you, but focus your attention on on places where it's needed. A perfect example being Muslim Women/oppression in those areas. I'd sign that petition.

@Beware of Cuccos
Damn fine read and I agree with a lot (if not all) of what you said.
I also agree with you on Freedom of Speech. But it's pretty clear it's anti-gay speech. I get it, hate speech is still freedom of speech, but it's because of this that people who are gay aren't treated equally. There's a difference between freedom of speech against gays and actually having the right to vote to discriminate against gay people (Yo, North Carolina).

Obviously I'm not a woman, but I have a lot of female friends, I lived in a household of 3 women (Younger sister, older sister and a mother(No Dad)) as well as my family expands to 3 aunties and a Grandmother. You're point about wearing makeup and potentially being fired!? The hell. No joke I never knew that happened but that's not right. Pretty sure it's not mandatory here. Pretty BS to me.

About Gay marriage, simple. Let them marry. Why is that so hard?]

No joke but Black people in America (the idiots, not all obviously) have a pretty shitty attitude. They still have the black panther crap and Al Sharpton spouting anti-white BS.

Illegal migrants/Lazy people I don't really have much of an issue with. I see how they are a problem, but for those immigrants that actually help the system(Go to school, pay taxes, don't eff up the area) rather than abuse it then I don't see them as a problem. I put lazy people into that category because they also follow the same life lines. Doing nothing but reaping rewards from tax money

Last thing about Chick-fil-a check out this hilarious image! XD
[Image: chick-fil-a-hypocrites-in-line.jpg]
08-06-2012 02:41 AM
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Beware of Cuccos Offline
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Post: #21
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
(08-06-2012 02:41 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote:  @Beware of Cuccos and Beardy:
My issue on feminism nowadays isn't so much about wanting equality, but that feminists feel they are superior. I see blogs, articles, videos about "I'm a feminist and men are this/that". Compared to seeing a woman who is for equal rights. There's a huge difference between being a woman in the 19th century to a woman in 2000+. I already know that women get treated worse in certain areas, but the same can be said for men. The equality line is closing, but both sides still aren't equal. There are areas where men aren't equal (as I've pointed out before). I also have the same attitude to men who find themselves superior to women and their misogynistic BS. I've yet to find a feminist these days who makes a point that isn't biased. I'm for everyone being on equal ground. No for certain parties gaining certain perks.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Beardy. I understand what feminism is supposed (it's intended purpose) to mean, but the meaning seems to changed recently (based on what I've seen and heard). I think if you want to make a difference for women, don't complain about the men who don't view woman as inferior and anal about a guy being interested in you, but focus your attention on on places where it's needed. A perfect example being Muslim Women/oppression in those areas. I'd sign that petition.

@Beware of Cuccos
Damn fine read and I agree with a lot (if not all) of what you said.
I also agree with you on Freedom of Speech. But it's pretty clear it's anti-gay speech. I get it, hate speech is still freedom of speech, but it's because of this that people who are gay aren't treated equally. There's a difference between freedom of speech against gays and actually having the right to vote to discriminate against gay people (Yo, North Carolina).

Obviously I'm not a woman, but I have a lot of female friends, I lived in a household of 3 women (Younger sister, older sister and a mother(No Dad)) as well as my family expands to 3 aunties and a Grandmother. You're point about wearing makeup and potentially being fired!? The hell. No joke I never knew that happened but that's not right. Pretty sure it's not mandatory here. Pretty BS to me.

About Gay marriage, simple. Let them marry. Why is that so hard?]

No joke but Black people in America (the idiots, not all obviously) have a pretty shitty attitude. They still have the black panther crap and Al Sharpton spouting anti-white BS.

Illegal migrants/Lazy people I don't really have much of an issue with. I see how they are a problem, but for those immigrants that actually help the system(Go to school, pay taxes, don't eff up the area) rather than abuse it then I don't see them as a problem. I put lazy people into that category because they also follow the same life lines. Doing nothing but reaping rewards from tax money

Last thing about Chick-fil-a check out this hilarious image! XD
[Image: chick-fil-a-hypocrites-in-line.jpg]

First I would like to point out the obvious awesomeness of that picture. I've seen it EVERYWHERE and is a perfect example of what's wrong. Also, thank you for taking the time to read all of that. I know it was a lot. It took me an hour to type it all, and I had two cups of coffee and three cigarette breaks while doing so.

I'm glad to see someone outside of America believes me. I'm always so worried that people in other countries, that have no means/interest to come here and see for themselves, will be misinformed. We are only allowed the information the media chooses to give us, which is the main reason I don't watch or read the news. I'm also scared people will dislike me for being from the most hated state in the most hated country.

Your views on feminism are well expressed, friend. Most, not all feminists are extremests. That's why i'm for gender equality and not feminism.

Black people here (most, not all) are super racist, and I can't say anything because then I'M the racist and I can get sued. You can see my fear in the fact that I have to type "most, not all" everytime I mention someone that's not white.

Illegal immigrants are a huge problem here. This is the only subject you wrote about that I (respectfully) disagree with. You mention ones that "help the system", and I would like you to know that they do not exist. I just wish they would come here legally. Then we wouldn't even have to have this discussion. If I were to move to another country, I would do it properly. I would learn about their culture, learn their language, etc. I wouldn't bust up in there waving my flag being all "WHAT'S UP BITCHES TEXAS IS HERE", which, in a sense, is kind of what they have done here. I even saw a bumper sticker one time that said "They can't deport us all!"
08-06-2012 02:58 AM
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Post: #22
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
The way I feel about Mexican immigrants is largely pity. They come north to the USA because it's simply better than the alternative: further south. You go further south and there's really not much, things kind of haze together and get generalized and then you get to South America and from there I don't know how things go. The United States is basically a beaten show horse but it's better than extreme poverty in Mexico. Even though to the people here in this country there really is little to no "opportunity", when your only other alternative is living in a country more broken than this one I can see why they want to be in here so badly. Even bad places are still "lands of opportunity" if your homeland is worse off.

On a number of occasions I have come very close to moving out of this country myself, to better places that don't have their heads up their asses.
08-06-2012 03:20 AM
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #23
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
(08-06-2012 02:58 AM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote:  First I would like to point out the obvious awesomeness of that picture. I've seen it EVERYWHERE and is a perfect example of what's wrong. Also, thank you for taking the time to read all of that. I know it was a lot. It took me an hour to type it all, and I had two cups of coffee and three cigarette breaks while doing so.

I'm glad to see someone outside of America believes me. I'm always so worried that people in other countries, that have no means/interest to come here and see for themselves, will be misinformed. We are only allowed the information the media chooses to give us, which is the main reason I don't watch or read the news. I'm also scared people will dislike me for being from the most hated state in the most hated country.

Your views on feminism are well expressed, friend. Most, not all feminists are extremests. That's why i'm for gender equality and not feminism.

Black people here (most, not all) are super racist, and I can't say anything because then I'M the racist and I can get sued. You can see my fear in the fact that I have to type "most, not all" everytime I mention someone that's not white.

Illegal immigrants are a huge problem here. This is the only subject you wrote about that I (respectfully) disagree with. You mention ones that "help the system", and I would like you to know that they do not exist. I just wish they would come here legally. Then we wouldn't even have to have this discussion. If I were to move to another country, I would do it properly. I would learn about their culture, learn their language, etc. I wouldn't bust up in there waving my flag being all "WHAT'S UP BITCHES TEXAS IS HERE", which, in a sense, is kind of what they have done here. I even saw a bumper sticker one time that said "They can't deport us all!"

I found this hilarious picture on gay marriage too
[Image: wonka-gay-marriage.jpg]
So good! XD

Agreed, gender equality is what the attention should be, not just only females or only males. I get there are unbalanced sides but to be living in the western world isn't anywhere near as bad as Saudia Arabia. Not to take attention anyway from any prejudice that goes on here, but I'd love to curb stomp the arseholes in that area of the world. Shi- gets me angry as hell the way they treated there.

I find black oppression the same as gender equality. Those types of anti-white hate mongers only talk about how they are suppressed. They support themselves only. Take the Tayvon Martin case, black communities getting together and then call it a racist hate crime. Had it been a white skinned person, Chinese, Indian etc they wouldn't care. I agree with your point of "lockdown of your freedom of speech". Can't say anything without having to fear the race card being pulled on you. Black people in the U.K are much different.
Remember a black dude is your President.

Quote:You can see my fear in the fact that I have to type "most, not all" everytime I mention someone that's not white.
Yeah, but you can't generalise everyone.

I'm not going to talk much about immigration. I think probably because I'm uneducated to go in-depth on the matter. As I put, simply, "if they don't eff over the rest of us I don't see it as a problem", but I'm probably not looking at the bigger picture which you can obviously see. I just don't think all immigration is bad. It's how countries start...

08-06-2012 03:49 AM
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Post: #24
RE: The opinionated argument thread about "issues".
(08-06-2012 02:41 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote:  @Beware of Cuccos and Beardy:
My issue on feminism nowadays isn't so much about wanting equality, but that feminists feel they are superior. I see blogs, articles, videos about "I'm a feminist and men are this/that". Compared to seeing a woman who is for equal rights. There's a huge difference between being a woman in the 19th century to a woman in 2000+. I already know that women get treated worse in certain areas, but the same can be said for men. The equality line is closing, but both sides still aren't equal. There are areas where men aren't equal (as I've pointed out before). I also have the same attitude to men who find themselves superior to women and their misogynistic BS. I've yet to find a feminist these days who makes a point that isn't biased. I'm for everyone being on equal ground. No for certain parties gaining certain perks.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Beardy. I understand what feminism is supposed (it's intended purpose) to mean, but the meaning seems to changed recently (based on what I've seen and heard). I think if you want to make a difference for women, don't complain about the men who don't view woman as inferior and anal about a guy being interested in you, but focus your attention on on places where it's needed. A perfect example being Muslim Women/oppression in those areas. I'd sign that petition.

What I find shit about that point of view is that it's "oh, it's all gone, visibly... therefore it's fixed". I'd still say there's inherent sexism, racism and etc-ism (LOL) in everything. Have a look at the big, fat, rich companies that basically control the economy. Are straight, white, educated guys still controlling the economy? I rather think they are. Shall we have a little think about why that is? Perhaps it's because of society's historical lead-up to them.
08-06-2012 09:45 AM
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