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Gaming recommendations
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Altair xD Offline

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Post: #31
RE: Gaming recommendations
Can someone recommend me,some good survival-horror games?I don't know if I posted this in the right place. x_X
11-04-2012 09:44 AM
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Xannidel Offline

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Post: #32
RE: Gaming recommendations
Penumbra series
Cryostasis (maybe)
The original Resident Evil titles
The original Silent Hill titles
Alone in the Dark

Boy I am bad at this X.X
11-04-2012 10:04 AM
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Hexadecimal Offline

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Post: #33
RE: Gaming recommendations
In December I'll be on a flight to Vegas. Could someone recommend a DS game that's a big time killer? I'd rather not bring my PSP since it's kind of annoying to drag around, plus the battery life sucks.

Oh, and I do have a 3DS, but none of my headphones work with it. Does it need special ones?
11-04-2012 01:10 PM
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Xannidel Offline

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Post: #34
RE: Gaming recommendations
DS games... Phoenix Wright games, Hotel Dusk Room 215, Ghost Detective, Maybe Pokemon B/W and B2/W2?
11-04-2012 01:38 PM
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Hexadecimal Offline

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Post: #35
RE: Gaming recommendations
(11-04-2012 01:38 PM)Xannidel Wrote:  DS games... Phoenix Wright games, Hotel Dusk Room 215, Ghost Detective, Maybe Pokemon B/W and B2/W2?

Thanks, but awww... I have all those except B2/B2 >< I think I might've scooped up all the good games and might just have to replay one.

By "Ghost Detective" did you mean Ghost Trick?
11-04-2012 01:40 PM
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Altair xD Offline

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Post: #36
RE: Gaming recommendations
(11-04-2012 10:04 AM)Xannidel Wrote:  Amnesia
Penumbra series
Cryostasis (maybe)
The original Resident Evil titles
The original Silent Hill titles
Alone in the Dark

Boy I am bad at this X.X

They're good enough.Thanks.
11-04-2012 10:25 PM
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Lightmatt Offline
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Post: #37
RE: Gaming recommendations
I recently got interested in playing Sega Genesis/CD games, and right now I'm playing through Snatcher and Sonic CD. I want to play more of Sega's catalog. So can anyone recommend me some Sega Genesis/CD/32x/etc. games?
11-29-2012 05:12 AM
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Liamlikesmusic Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Gaming recommendations
I'm not to familiar with the Sega CD and 32X catalog but Knuckles Chaotix was one of the more popular games for the 32X. I haven't played it myself but it looks decent enough.

As for the Genesis itself there is so much that it's hard to narrow it down.

-Sonic 1,2,3 & Knuckles.
-Rocket Knight Adventures.
-Streets of Rage II.
-Alien Soldier.
-Gunstar Heroes.
12-24-2012 09:17 AM
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Granny Benson Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Gaming recommendations
PS1/PSX (whatever the hell it's called): Castlevania: SOTN, Wild Arms 2, Valkyrie Profiles, Suikoden 1 and 2, Legend of Dragoon, the Final Fantasy games, the Spyro and Crash Bandicoot games, and Metal Gear Solid

PS2: Okami, Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, GTA: Vice City and SA, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, The King of Fighters Collection, The Jak games, The Ratchet and Clank games, Resident Evil 4, and a bunch more that I'm having amnesia over right now.

I could probably make a huge list of SNES games, but I'll not do that.
12-24-2012 01:59 PM
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Psychospacecow Offline
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Post: #40
RE: Gaming recommendations
(08-04-2012 08:10 AM)G-Locke Wrote:  Anyone here dig PS1 RPGs? There's a great one that's pretty underrated and unknown called Legend of Legaia. Here's a vid:

Another good one on ps1, Legend of Dragoon.

PS1: Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Twisted Metal, spyro the dragon, legend of dragoon, final fantasy 9
PS2: Destroy all humans 2 (never played 1), Soul Caliber 3, kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts 2, kingdom hearts re: chain of memories (if you can't get KH1), tekken 5, burnout 3, DBZ budokai tenkaichi 3 and budokai 3.

PC: Borderlands 1 and 2, Duke Nukem 3d can be gotten off good old gaming(gog), empire earth 1 (the others sucked), Garry's mod, left 4 dead, minecraft, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Civilization 4 and 5, spore if you can find it cheap (it is a fun game for a little while but dies pretty quickly), TF2, Counter-Strike Source, Fallout New Vegas, Far Cry 3, Left 4 dead 2, League of Legends is a good DOTA style game, Saints Row 3 if you're older, Sonic Adventure 2 if you have an xbox controller you can hook up or a good console-style controller like my logitech one, Starcraft 2 for the competitive individual, Ghost Recon Future Soldier.
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2013 02:19 AM by Psychospacecow.)
01-28-2013 02:11 AM
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