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Gaming Pet Peeves
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Nicknclank Offline
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Post: #31
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
(06-26-2012 06:49 PM)DidYouKnowGaming Wrote:  
(06-26-2012 06:20 PM)SlothyPunk Wrote:  Not really games/other gamers, but my girlfriend has a real bad habit of starting to talk to me right as a cutscene starts. Never when I'm randomly running around doing pointless things LOL
Oh God. THIS.

People always do the same when I'm on the phone too. Annoying as hell.

These things sound bad, but, you can always pause the game and listen to them...

BUUUUUUUT, there ARE some games that if you press start during a cut-scene, it passes it! So maybe you passed a super-important part of the story and there is NO WAY to see it again!

God, this happens to me a lot -_-"
06-29-2012 11:22 PM
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Mr.Katana Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
(06-29-2012 07:15 PM)Fearless Wrote:  Those uber-cool looking NPCs in some RPG's with all the awesome equipment, who only turn out to be good for handing out tedious quests.

Or like 10 gold or something.
06-29-2012 11:24 PM
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Symphony Offline
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Post: #33
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves

I personally don't care about them, as long as they don't give you any type of boosting; but nowadays you're getting an achievement for TAKING A FREAKING STEP. That's complete bullcrap.
06-29-2012 11:35 PM
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Nicknclank Offline
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Post: #34
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
(06-29-2012 11:35 PM)Symphony Wrote:  Achievements.

I personally don't care about them, as long as they don't give you any type of boosting; but nowadays you're getting an achievement for TAKING A FREAKING STEP. That's complete bullcrap.

Well... depends which game.

In Disgaea 4, the easiest achievement you can get is watching the intro completely... which is actually hard, because the intro is filled with frekin' madness for at least 3-4 minutes.

But after that, the achievements are SO HARD to get! I have played more then 7 hours and only got 1! ("Reincarnate your player for the first time")
06-29-2012 11:40 PM
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Jayboeman Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
Oh boy, grinding for experience points in RPGs, solely to progress the storyline. Gah! I know that sounds a little naïve, I mean, it’s a given in RPGs to grind at some point.

A lot of games are guilty of this, but Final Fantasy 12… damn you! It just seems to be that it is forcing it down my throat, at every single stage in the frickin’ game! Every main boss, so far, has taken me about 5 attempts to beat; each try, my party being a higher level. It just seems to be - no skill involved, be a higher level and that’s it. This laborious method of game play just repeats over and over. I checked online and I think I’m approximately half way through the game, so I’m guessing It’s just going to be like this all the way for me. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy aspects of this game but… ARGH! Wait, am I just bad at this game? Tongue

But aye, mindless grinding for EXP and Money – bugger off.
06-30-2012 12:12 AM
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Symphony Offline
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Post: #36
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
Quote:But aye, mindless grinding for EXP and Money – bugger off.
+1 for that.

Given the - often - little time I have to play, when it comes to RPGs where grinding is necessary, I either:
1. Use non-game-breaking console codes or
2. Exploit glitches.

For example, whenever I play pokemon games, I always have x4~x8 exp multiplier on, as I can't stand mindless grinding all my pokemons.
On RPGs that allow a rather fast paced grinding, like FFIII, I often lock an item (i.e. tonics or ethers) and grind while not needing to go back and rest.
06-30-2012 01:14 AM
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Jayboeman Offline
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Post: #37
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
[quote='Symphony' pid='3356' dateline='1340982853']
Quote:On RPGs that allow a rather fast paced grinding, like FFIII, I often lock an item (i.e. tonics or ethers) and grind while not needing to go back and rest.

I do the exact same thing!
06-30-2012 02:01 AM
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Nyu Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
When the game forces me to be the "good guy." It's just not me.
06-30-2012 02:12 AM
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Mr.Katana Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
When a game freezes when I haven't saved.
06-30-2012 10:54 AM
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Nicknclank Offline
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Post: #40
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
(06-30-2012 10:54 AM)Mr.Katana Wrote:  When a game freezes when I haven't saved.

Like Skyrim for instance? Or LoZ: Ocarina Of Time? Or Ratchet and Clank? Or Disgaea? Or... (starts naming a long list of games)

Yeah, everybody hates that.
06-30-2012 10:57 AM
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Mr.Katana Offline
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Post: #41
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
(06-30-2012 10:57 AM)Nicknclank Wrote:  
(06-30-2012 10:54 AM)Mr.Katana Wrote:  When a game freezes when I haven't saved.

Like Skyrim for instance? Or LoZ: Ocarina Of Time? Or Ratchet and Clank? Or Disgaea? Or... (starts naming a long list of games)

Yeah, everybody hates that.

Skyrim, Fallout, Bioshock, and soo much more. lol
06-30-2012 11:02 AM
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retrolinkx Offline
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Post: #42
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
Accidentally skipping cutscenes.

I'm happy "A" has stopped being the skip button, and has changed to something else, but before hand it was annoying in games, since I'd usually press buttons on the controller accidentally, then the cut scene is over, have to watch it all over again.

Losing items.

Gears 2 was the most annoying game once, I remember I had a sniper rifle, a machine pistol, a chainsaw machine gun, and 4 grenades, then suddenly a boss fight occurs, and I lose everything, and then have my chainsaw machine gun, a shotgun and a weak pistol. No explanation was given why, I just had them.
07-01-2012 10:02 AM
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SoKatiiee Offline
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Post: #43
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
One of the things I hated with my last ex boyfriend was I would play a game, and he would tell me what to do especially if he had beat the game already. If I ask for help that's one thing.. but if I'm just playing around don't tell me what to do. Y'all probably don't have that problem but I think every "male" in my life has done this at one point or another to me. hahaha (:
07-01-2012 05:56 PM
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Zaliphone Offline
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Post: #44
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
Getting a bunch of quests all at once. It really annoys me, because throughout the game I'll end up getting another one to replace what I just completed. It always gives me something to do, but sometimes, and here's another pet peeve, the instructions and just really vague and explain nothing.
And because of stupid pride I try not look up answers online, so I'm stuck with quests and nothing to do.
07-01-2012 11:31 PM
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Hexadecimal Offline

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Post: #45
RE: Gaming Pet Peeves
Points of no return. For example, in Psychonauts. Maybe I don't want to collect everything in one shot, maybe I'm eager to complete the story and then go back for things I missed. Ever think of that? It also unlocks a little bonus cut scene, so it's kind of a bummer to miss that.

Poor hit detection. Any else played Rule of Rose? I loved the game, but it had some major problems. For like every three hits you did it would only register about one.

When the music is louder than the voices and it can't be adjusted. Sonic Adventure 2 pulled this and in Sonic Colors you can't make out at all the funny stuff Eggman is saying over the intercom.

The game trying to adjust to your playing level. Space Channel 5 is all about memorization and timing, so if you mess up it will try to give you an easier command. However, this makes it very hard to improve since if you mess up in areas you haven't before the game throws something different at you.

Wireless controllers. Especially the Wii drains batteries like a succubus! Just give me a controller with a long cord! I'm very happy with that!

Noisy systems. My PSP sounds like it's dying sometimes if it's loading something major. I had to stop bringing it to class with me because of that.
08-22-2012 01:00 PM
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