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The Free Thread *gaming related*
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Zaliphone Offline
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Post: #226
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
I beat Uncharted 3 today and it was fantastic. Now I just to get and beat the first one and I'll be done with the series, I think.
I need to finish Journey and Flow, hopefully I'll finish Far Cry 3, and maybe a God of War game. All of that before the third of January is my goal.
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2012 02:01 PM by Zaliphone.)
12-31-2012 02:01 PM
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #227
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
(12-31-2012 02:01 PM)Zaliphone Wrote:  I beat Uncharted 3 today and it was fantastic. Now I just to get and beat the first one and I'll be done with the series, I think.
I need to finish Journey and Flow, hopefully I'll finish Far Cry 3, and maybe a God of War game. All of that before the third of January is my goal.
You played the series in the wrong order D:. It's far more enjoyable playing them from 1, 2 and then 3. It's like Mass Effect, it doesn't quite flow if you play them out of order. Doesn't stop them being good games but watching them meet each other in 1, meet back again in 2 with another story and then come to the finale(I think it's the last) in 3 is pretty sweet(charming sweet).
01-01-2013 01:03 AM
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Zaliphone Offline
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Post: #228
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
I know I played them out of order, I originally just got Uncharted 2 as whim and really liked it. So I just went into the third one.
Kind of the same thing I did with Mass Effect, except I haven't played 3 yet.
01-02-2013 02:42 AM
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Mr.Katana Offline
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Post: #229
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
Was able to download Mass Effect 1 for PS3 which is awesome because now I have the entire trilogy set. I'm planning on doing a complete run through all of them and then download the ME3 DLC. God, I love Mass Effect.
01-02-2013 08:30 AM
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Zaliphone Offline
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Post: #230
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
I Just bought Mass Effect 1 and 2 on Steam, hopefully I'll be able to finish them this year.

On an unrelated note, I plan on keeping a list of every game I will beat this year. On the top of that list is Far Cry 3, which I just beat today. I give it a TENOUTTATEN!
01-03-2013 10:15 AM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #231
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
(01-03-2013 10:15 AM)Zaliphone Wrote:  I Just bought Mass Effect 1 and 2 on Steam, hopefully I'll be able to finish them this year.

On an unrelated note, I plan on keeping a list of every game I will beat this year. On the top of that list is Far Cry 3, which I just beat today. I give it a TENOUTTATEN!

Awwww yiss - you're going to have a blast with ME:1/2. I still need to play the 3rd

PS - By reflex, I read your rating à la HADOUUUKEN
01-03-2013 10:33 AM
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cingchris Offline
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Post: #232
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
Oh damn I just realized Dota 2 isn't free to play and I have a copy for free 'cause I was in the beta...well that's nice to know. Also I got 5 keys to Dota 2 that Steam just decided to give me, so does anyone want that game? (First come, first serve, by the way.)

Edit: I got 4 left.
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2013 10:03 AM by cingchris.)
01-06-2013 08:28 AM
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A Zombie Riot Offline
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Post: #233
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
(01-06-2013 07:45 AM)cingchris Wrote:  Oh damn I just realized Dota 2 isn't free to play and I have a copy for free 'cause I was in the beta...well that's nice to know. Also I got 5 keys to Dota 2 that Steam just decided to give me, so does anyone want that game? (First come, first serve, by the way.)

I'll take one. or Two. I won't ever play them, but I can give them away to people who would want them.

And thanks!
01-06-2013 08:46 AM
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A Zombie Riot Offline
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Post: #234
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
Gamefly shipped Cave Story 3D! I can finally play this game (I have it on steam, and can play it fine but I've been too lazy to do it... lol).
01-08-2013 08:33 AM
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Ouberry_13 Offline
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Post: #235
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
Anarchy Reigns is soooooo much fun.

That is all. Now, back to beating the crap out of countless mutants and cyborgs.
01-09-2013 10:00 AM
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Zaliphone Offline
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Post: #236
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
FTL is super difficult. And I'm playing on easy. The one time I got to the last sector I was super proud of myself, and then I was promptly annihilated and had to start all over. It's too fun to quit.

Also, Max Payne is probably one of the coolest shooters I have ever played.
01-09-2013 11:21 AM
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retrolinkx Offline
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Post: #237
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
After getting to chapter 18 in Fire Emblem, the game went and deleted itself, and I was forced to start again.

Currently I'm on Chapter 15, and have actually become a bit better because I know what is going to happen, and what I need to do to make my characters better.

I guess it's not all bad but still, I've got about 55 more chapters to go...

Also I just found out about the .hack series, and my god it's....
Oh and ST, I just noticed your thanks was at 499, had to give you an extra one to get it to 500.
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2013 04:06 AM by retrolinkx.)
01-10-2013 04:04 AM
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #238
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
New CD Projekt Red game. Anything by them is a must buy for me. Available for current and next gen consoles.

Cyber Punk 2077

01-11-2013 12:15 PM
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Zaliphone Offline
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Post: #239
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
I just finished Max Payne and I'm super excited to start Max Payne 2 tomorrow.
Those were some of the best 5 hours of my life.
01-11-2013 02:08 PM
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Ouberry_13 Offline
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Post: #240
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
Some of the people online in Anarchy Reigns are dicks. I mean, that's a given that some people will be that way online, but still it pisses me off. What got me yesterday was I joined a Team Deathmatch game, using my man Oinkie. The other people on my team all had mics, and no one else did, which was fine. Anyway, everyone on my team was making jokes about how, apparently, Oinkie is useless and a terrible fighter, and then went on to say that since I picked him as my character, they would not help me in the match. 10 minutes later when the game is over, I have the highest score and highest number of kills, as well as the least deaths. Cue my whole team saying how I was glitching (which I wasn't, since those are cheap tactics), and saying that this proves nothing and Oinkie still is the worst.

On a related note, I've been playing online for 2 days, and in all the games I've been in, I am the only person who ever uses Oinkie, which saddens me greatly. But hey, at least that means I get all the BACON
01-12-2013 04:23 AM
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