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Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
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CRN7112 Offline
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Post: #1
Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
Did you know...

1. Meryl Silverburgh's look in MGS1 was lifted from the game Policenauts. Her bullet earring from Policenauts was added in MGS4.

2. The MKII from MGS4 is also the helper in the game Snatcher. The helper in the Snatcher is said to be based from "the metal gear threat of the late 20th century" as was the MKII in MGS4.

3. Doctor Madnar crosses between the Metal Gear games and Snatcher.

4. Big Boss loses most of his body at the end of Metal Gear. Doctor Madnar said he was rebuilt by the Snatcher program, making Big Boss the first one.

5. If you can't tell by now it appears MGS and Snatcher take place in the same universe because it uses direct reference and cross overs, unlike Policenauts that appears to be an alternate timeline.

6. Solid Snake, named David, and Otacon, Hal Emmerich get their names from the movie 2001 Space Odyssey. Snake is named after the main character and Otacon the computer.

7. Former members of the Policenauts used to belong to High Tech Special Forces Unit Foxhound.

8. In MGS3 Subsistence during the intro codec call in Snake vs. Monkey, and Ape Escape crossover, Snake tells the Colonel to get "Sam or Gabe to do it" referring to Sam Fisher and Gabe Logan, other greats in the stealth genre.

MGS has tons of hidden stuff. Its late, so I or maybe someone else will update more MGS did you knows in the thread. If these have been done before I'm sorry, but I'm just trying to spread the gaming secrets.

UPDATE: Did you know...?

1. In MGS3, in Granin's Lab, in the background can be seen a mech from Zone of the Enders, along with Metal Gear Rex and Ray, not only that there are pictures of Granin and Huey(Otacon's father).

2. At the end of MGS2, the scene of Arsenal Gear crashing into New York City was to be shown, but was removed due to the 9/11 incident.

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(This post was last modified: 07-21-2012 01:27 PM by CRN7112.)
07-20-2012 03:24 PM
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ItsJohnny42 Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
1) While escorting EVA near the end of MGS3, after interrogating her multiple times she will eventually crack and tell you the Konami Code.

2) When the Ocelot unit is knocked out, you can kill Ocelot early. After doing this, the game over screen will read, "OCELOT IS DEAD" and Colonel Campbell from MGS1, 30 years from then, will scold you for doing this. This was also acknowledged as an achievement/trophy in the HD collection named, "Problem Solved, Series Over".

3) Another Time Paradox moment in MGS3 happens when the player dies during the mission. Upon clicking the exit button, "SNAKE IS DEAD" will turn into, "PARADOX". A time paradox scream will also appear upon killing EVA and Sokolov.
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2012 02:53 AM by ItsJohnny42.)
07-27-2012 02:51 AM
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CRN7112 Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
UPDATE: Did you know...?

1. At the end of MGS4 the last thing said, by Sunny, is "It's rising again." This could refer to Metal Gear Rising.

2. Metal Gear Solid 4 getting the Assassin Emblem unlocks Altair's outfit from Assassin's Creed 1.

3. In Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, there is an "Assassin Box." The box is made out of straw and you could drag people in and beat them up, like a pile of hay from Assassin's Creed.

4. To promote Metal Gear Rising in Mexico, Raiden has been seen wearing a sombrero and poncho at the start screen.

5. In Metal Gear Solid 4, Snake can use an Ipod. In the Nomad, all the computers are Apple. Otacon uses an Apple laptop in Act 5.

6. In Metal Gear Solid 4, Naomi and Vamp use Sony Ericcson cell phones.

7. Metal Gear Solid 4, Snake can drink Regain, a popular energy drink in Japan.

8. In MGS3, Snake can eat Calorie Mates, a popular snack in Japan.

9. In English versions of Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, there are chips, soda, zero calorie soda, cologne, and curry. But in the Japanese version there are Doritos, Mountain Dew, Pepsi Nex, Axe Body Spray, and Bon Curry.

10. In Metal Gear Solid 3DS, Kerotans are replaced with Yoshi.

11. In Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes, Mario, Yoshi, and a Gamecube can be seen in Otacon's lab.

12. In the original Metal Gear Solid, a Playstation can be seen in Otacon's lab.

13. The Gekkos in Metal Gear Solid 4 make a mooing sound like a cow. This is to calm and confuse enemy soldiers.

14. The Gekkos in Metal Gear Solid 4 excrete green matter, this is because there legs are organic material.

15. In Metal Gear Solid 4, when audio flashbacks of Metal Gear Solid occur, the audio is taken from the Gamecube version Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes. This is because Metal Gear Solid's audio when touched up for Metal Gear Solid 4, you could hear the traffic in the background that was happening at the time of recording the first game.

16. The song "Metal Gear Solid Main Theme" sounds like classical Russian composer Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov song, named "The Winter Road." Kojima was not aware of this. The song was to appear in Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, but to avoid lawsuits the motif was taken out and renamed "Show Time." Also, in the code of Super Smash Brothers Brawl the "Metal Gear Solid Main Theme" was listed but must have been ripped from the game due to controversy. The motif has not been in a game since but was still kept in for remakes of the older games like the MGS HD Collection and MGS 3DS.

17. Metal Gear Solid 4's Beauty and the Beast Unit's Beauty form is directly modeled off of five models.

In Metal Gear Solid 4, pressing L1 and looking left during act 1 when Screaming Mantis appears will reveal Psycho Mantis which is what Snake is wondering when he says "Is that..."

19. In Metal Gear Solid 4, act 5, Psycho Mantis once again tries to prove his abilities to Snake. He fails to read Snake's memory because there are no longer memory cards and congratulates Snake on getting better. And if you have a controller without rumble he will be confused as to why it doesn't work either, but if you do have rumble he yells "RUMBLE IS BACK."

20. In Metal Gear Solid 4, pressing X during Psycho Mantis's death will bring about the voice of God screaming "TRAITOR." The voice is none other than Hideo Kojima himself.

21. Also in Metal Gear Solid 4, looking left of Psycho Mantis will reveal The Sorrow in the rafters. As someone who controls the dead, The Sorrow has come back to take Psycho Mantis with him.

22. In Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, one of your recruited men will say that they "saw God in a truck." If you go to the truck in Crater Base, it reveals Hideo Kojima, Snake exclaims "Mr. Kojima!" Who you can recruit to your team. The license plate on the truck has the numbers 63824. This is Kojima's birthday, August 24, 1963.

24. In Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker opening another truck in the Crater Base reveals a poster of Mei Ling. Another reveals gears which confuses Snake and he says "Metal.... Gear?" And another reveals Master Otenko from the Boktai series, opening the truck makes Snake yell "SUNLIGHT."

25. In Metal Gear Solid 4, an unlockable gun is the Solar Gun. The gun shoots light and recharges when Snake holds it in the air and yells "SUNLIGHT." The Solar Gun is the same from the Boktai series.

26. In Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, in a briefing file Miller tells Cecile Cosima Caminades her name sound like Cecile Kojima Kaminandesu. Kojima Kaminandesu translates to Kojima is God.

27. Cecile, from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, is named after a real person, Cecile Caminades, who is in charge of press relations at Konami France.

28. In Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker a soldier says "When this battle’s over, I’m gonna go home and be a shrimper. Me and my buddies are gonna pitch in an buy a big boat" in his description. This refers to Forest Gump.

Hopefully more to come!
08-16-2012 12:23 PM
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DrZaius Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
The name "Drebin" is in reference to Frank Drebin. Drebin 893 launders universally usable "naked guns."

[Image: fa3b8925759f946505f99e7c1bd475bb.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2012 02:56 PM by DrZaius.)
08-16-2012 02:56 PM
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retrolinkx Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
Big Boss believes Santa exists.

I've said this one before though.
08-17-2012 07:55 AM
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Moriatti Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
In Metal Gear Solid 4, when looking at the lab to see wether Twin Snakes or the original version is considered canon (by checking the posters to see which game's poster is on the wall) you will find that the gamecube version's posters falling off to reveal part of the original's.
08-23-2012 06:20 AM
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tveye Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
Might as well repost this here...

The voice actress for EVA in MGS3 has never been discovered. The name used in the credits was an alias. People thought it was Debbie Mae West (the voice of Meryl) but she denied it. Now a lot of people think it was Jodi Benson (Ariel in the Little Mermaid) who went under an alias so she could keep her name clean for Disney.
08-23-2012 10:11 PM
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Moriatti Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
While we're talking about MGS3, did you know that SigInt was later revealed to be the DARPA chief? This is part of what explains how he was able to block Psycho Mantis, having already encountered a psychic via Snake, he would've tried to find a way to block such attacks.
08-23-2012 11:50 PM
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retrolinkx Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
(08-23-2012 11:50 PM)Moriatti Wrote:  While we're talking about MGS3, did you know that SigInt was later revealed to be the DARPA chief? This is part of what explains how he was able to block Psycho Mantis, having already encountered a psychic via Snake, he would've tried to find a way to block such attacks.

This isn't really a DYK, it's said in MGS4.
12-13-2012 01:40 AM
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Pogue-Mahone Offline

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Post: #10
RE: Metal Gear Solid Did you knows...
If you check Eva's medical history, it says that she got breast enhancements at some point. It doesn't say if it was for health purposes or implants, just "Breast Enhancements."

(This post was last modified: 12-16-2012 04:32 AM by Pogue-Mahone.)
12-16-2012 04:25 AM
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