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Noble is here to say: ''HAI''
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Noble Offline
Zed's Demise

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Noble is here to say: ''HAI''
Hey everyone, Noble here (Real name's Bart/Bartek).
I'd like to introduce myself!
I'm 17, real close to turning 18, and I'm an avid gamer.
I currently have a Xbox (GT: VII Noble IIV), and that's what I use mostly.
I'm a (I think) decent achievement hunter, I have around 29000 Gamerscore now. I always thought 20K was a lot until I started meeting lots and lots of people online with 50K+ Gs. T_T

I love playing zombie games, I have every Dead Rising game, Dead Island, RE5, both L4D's, and a couple more Zed-based games aswell as some zombie arcade games. Big Grin

I also like watching anime (What a surprise, Kakashi Avatar >_>)
My fav. are:
- Naruto
- Dragon Ball Z
- Berserk
This list will be expanding probably, since I've just recently (except of DBZ) started watching animes.

I guess that kind of wraps up the basics, nice to meet you all! Tongue
07-19-2012 11:53 PM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #2
RE: Noble is here to say: ''HAI''
Hope you'll enjoy your time here, gaming is what this place is about so you'll fit in just right Big Grin

Also I have a gamerscore of 2,700 so BOOM (I can also n0scopez someone standing right in front of me)

See you around Cool
07-20-2012 12:19 AM
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Xannidel Offline

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RE: Noble is here to say: ''HAI''
Nice to meet you!
Enjoy your time here and I am a somewhat trophy whore on the PSN.
07-20-2012 12:32 AM
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Nuudoru Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Noble is here to say: ''HAI''
Welcome. I'm a huge anime fan myself. 8) I've seen at least over 200 different series and movies.
07-20-2012 01:56 AM
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Noble Offline
Zed's Demise

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Post: #5
RE: Noble is here to say: ''HAI''
See you around Cool

By the way, damn, you can No-Scope someone in front of you? O_o
Now just a fitting name... what about xxxN0sC00p3Z4l41fxXx, isn't that what everyone does nowaday? xD
Seriously, I really should change my GT to xX 1justt00kash1t Xx just to troll those ''hardcore'' players. Tongue

(07-20-2012 12:32 AM)Xannidel Wrote:  Nice to meet you!
Enjoy your time here and I am a somewhat trophy whore on the PSN.

Man, unless I like the game in particular, I won't play it unless it has achievements. Oh the good times where PS2 didn't have any achievements... Dodgy

(07-20-2012 01:56 AM)Nuudoru Wrote:  Welcome. I'm a huge anime fan myself. 8) I've seen at least over 200 different series and movies.

Wow, over 200? I don't even know 50 make that 20(just listed the ones I know in my head...) different Animes. T_T
Any favourite animes?
07-20-2012 08:17 AM
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Nuudoru Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Noble is here to say: ''HAI''
(07-20-2012 08:17 AM)Noble Wrote:  
(07-20-2012 01:56 AM)Nuudoru Wrote:  Welcome. I'm a huge anime fan myself. 8) I've seen at least over 200 different series and movies.

Wow, over 200? I don't even know 50 make that 20(just listed the ones I know in my head...) different Animes. T_T
Any favourite animes?

My top 5 favorite are Kaiji, Akagi, Fist of the North Star, Gintama, Sexy Commando.Smile
07-20-2012 08:49 AM
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