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What genres do you miss?
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Post: #1
What genres do you miss?
I miss side-scrolling beat 'em ups. Final fight, etc. I know these kinda things are still around on the indy scene and the smaller games, but I miss the heyday of them. Also, adventure games.
07-06-2012 08:42 AM
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B.S.B Offline
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Post: #2
RE: What genres do you miss?
I Miss 2D Fighting Games.
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2012 08:52 AM by B.S.B.)
07-06-2012 08:51 AM
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Nuudoru Offline
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Post: #3
RE: What genres do you miss?
Open world collect-a-thons like Banjo-Kazooi, Donkey Kong 64, Spyro and such. I really enjoy games like that but it's been a dead market since N64.

I miss railshooters as well. Visiting a friend to find a railshooter game with a gun. Ooooh man you knew that hours of fun was ahead of you. Those never got old.
07-06-2012 08:53 AM
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Post: #4
RE: What genres do you miss?
I think SF4, 3D graphics aside, is still a pretty good 2D fighter. But yeah, they're not usually concentrated on too much. It's turned into a particular niche market rather than mainstream.

I always loved railshooters more when I played them on an arcade machine. Having said that, I loved House of the Dead: Overkill. But yeah, the excitement of a console WITH A GUN! Man, that was exciting. I remember being intensely proud of playing Duck Hunt and shooting from the hip.
07-06-2012 09:00 AM
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Nuudoru Offline
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Post: #5
RE: What genres do you miss?
(07-06-2012 08:51 AM)B.S.B Wrote:  I Miss 2D Fighting Games.

Like King of Fighters XIII, Skullgirls and BlazBlue?

Not trying to be rude, but, you still get those.
07-06-2012 09:09 AM
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Sohakmet Offline

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Post: #6
RE: What genres do you miss?
There are no genres I miss... I mean... I never played that many games anyways...
07-06-2012 09:18 AM
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Post: #7
RE: What genres do you miss?
Top down run-and-gun or hack-and-slash stuff. Gauntlet, or Chaos Engine, for example.
07-06-2012 09:18 AM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #8
RE: What genres do you miss?
(07-06-2012 08:42 AM)Beardy Wrote:  I miss side-scrolling beat 'em ups. Final fight, etc. I know these kinda things are still around on the indy scene and the smaller games, but I miss the heyday of them. Also, adventure games.

I remember those games from the 90's where it'd say "GO!" and then you'd walk and people would just pop in from the right. Good times Big Grin
I remember picking up a lampost and being annoyed because my friend (whose game it was) wouldn't tell me how to drop it. I ended up saying that my character had had an enlightenment and didn't want to fight anymore. Serves him right.
07-07-2012 12:06 AM
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Fearless Offline

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Post: #9
RE: What genres do you miss?
Stylish Action.

Yooou knowww......YOOOU knoooowww!

[Image: DevilMayCry3.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2012 12:27 AM by Fearless.)
07-07-2012 12:26 AM
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Xannidel Offline

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Post: #10
RE: What genres do you miss?
I miss the first person point and click games like The 7th Guest, Myst, Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster, Lighthouse, Shivers, John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles, Scratches ect.
07-07-2012 01:10 AM
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Post: #11
RE: What genres do you miss?
Bayonetta. DMC5 coming out. Also Bayonetta 2 has been announced. Check Max Anarchy too.

@ Xannidel
Sherlock Holmes Nemesis is pretty good. It may not be first person but Gray Matter, Zak and Wiki and Machinarium is definitely worth checking out; if you haven't already.
07-07-2012 02:58 AM
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Melirune Offline
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Post: #12
RE: What genres do you miss?
I'm going to agree with the side-scrolling beat-em ups. I miss Final Fight, because Mike Haggar is a ******* boss!!
07-07-2012 03:10 AM
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Sirion Offline

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Post: #13
RE: What genres do you miss?
RTS. Not the Total War kind of RTS. The Age of Empires/Warcraft kind of RTS. Starcraft never caught my attention, so it won't do. But some RTSs went on sale on Steam this week and I almost bought one of them. I think it was Command & Conquer series. Never played it, but it seemed cool.

But something's going on with my credit card... It doesn't work anymore. D:

Adventure is a gender that I never got to play much. Almost all of my Adventure experience is from Sam & Max. I played all season one and went until season two, episode two. I tried some old adventures, like Full Throttle, but they looked too smart for me and I got stuck too often, so I ended up abandoning them.
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2012 02:04 PM by Sirion.)
07-07-2012 01:59 PM
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Izanagi Offline
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Post: #14
RE: What genres do you miss?
I have to agree with a lot of the genres brought up, but I do miss Beat 'Em Ups. I never got the chance to actually play any in arcades growing up, but I really wish I could have. Consoles were the next best thing though, and a lot of great ones were made. Final Fight and Streets of Rage are classics and two of my favorites. I would play SoR just to hear Yuzo Koshiro's brilliant soundtrack blaring out of my tinny TV speaker. Every time I play these and other titles in the genre, I get nostalgic for days long past.
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2012 02:49 PM by Izanagi.)
07-07-2012 02:49 PM
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AbyssalDoom Offline
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Post: #15
RE: What genres do you miss?
Older turn-based RPGs
07-07-2012 05:32 PM
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