I've been reading DYKG for a while now and it's preaty cool.
Today I saw there was now a forum so I signed up.
Mostly just to grab this username and to claim I was here from day 1.
Awesome. ^-^
Humn, I guess I should try make my thread stand out to try to establish myself as a member to remember.

My name is the the punctuation, dot-dot-dot or "..." .
I enjoy old retro video games such as those on the NES and SNES.
My favorate game of all time is probably Super Mario World which I have beaten about 10 times (it's really not that long and it's a great game).
I also enjoy some newer games, notably the Ratchet and Clank games. Sadly I never got a PS3 (or XBOX 360) and so I have not been able to play the newer of the Ratchet and Clank games.

I'm 16 years old and live in the UK. While I am currently going to collage (double maths and computing) I also have a job. I am programming a small database for a company. It's fun as I enjoy programming.
If any anyone has any programming questions feel free to ask me. I'd love to help with anything. ^^
I'm learning Japanese in my spare time as I'm a bit of a wee-a-boo I guess. So far I've learnt about 1500 Kanji and very little of anything else. This might sound pointless but I'm hoping to learn the standard 2000ish Kanji before learning anything else so that the Kanji I know can act as a base for further learning of the language.
I'm a frequent member of the IWBTG forums where I am known by the same username. If you haven't played IWBTG and enjoy retro games and/or very, very tricky games then give it a go. It's a great game.
I'd be interested to hear a little more about you guys and your hobbies and interests?
P.S. For some reason I also have a growing obsession with fountain pens...