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Your best Gamecube memory?
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Machima44 Offline
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Post: #1
Your best Gamecube memory?
The Gamecube was basically a huge console at the time. It had a crapload of games. Most good, some bad. I'm sure all of us here has had played a Gamecube game or has owned at one point in their life. Your memory can be about the console itself or just a specific game that you had.

My fond memory of the Gamecube was when I first played Resident Evil 4 on it. At first I was like "How do you friggen move" since I had NOT gotten used to the controls AT ALL at first. Later on I basically fell in love with the game xD. I just wanted more and more out of it. Resident Evil 4 failed to disappointing me. I didn't even find Ashley annoying. Although the Gamecube version didn't include what the PS2 and the Wii versions had (Exclusive items, Separate Ways) I still enjoyed it to the fullest.

Another Memory was when I had Metroid One and Two. Both of those games really pushed my patience limits. I had the most trouble with Metroid Prime 2. That game was just agonizing. Although it was amazing, it was agonizing because of the backtracking and the hard boss fights etc. etc.

What's yours?
06-26-2012 08:11 AM
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trudel69 Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
Playing Splinter Cell Double Agent in co-op mode with my pal was a blast !
Wind Waker was a really decent game too, but all those who said graphics doesnt matter still didnt want to play the game because of that, such a shame really.
06-26-2012 08:15 AM
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Origami Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
Super Smash Bros. Melee, definitely. I've spent so many hours playing that game with friends. It was the perfect game for that. It was the first game for me to really mix social activities with video gaming. The controls were easy enough for anyone to pick up the controller and learn to play it in a few matches, yet they had enough finesse that if you practiced long enough you could do things none of your friends could. I miss those days. I wish I could find my goddamn GameCube controllers again haha.
06-26-2012 08:16 AM
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Xannidel Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
Luigi's Mansion.
I am a HUGE Luigi fan and when I heard that Luigi was one of the launch titles for the Gamecube instead of Mario, well I was a happy kid.
The game was a tad short but it was such a fun game.
06-26-2012 08:19 AM
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Tajasaurus Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
My first Gamecube memory was going to my friend's house and watching him play Luigi's Mansion when he got it just after launch. He only played it for a couple of minutes and wouldn't let me have a turn because he was a giant jerk, I guess.

But playing Wind Waker is absolutely my bes Gamecube memories. That game was amazing. I know a lot of people don't like it because of that graphics and/or the amount of sailing, but I love every single thing about it.

It's a shame that the Wii doesn't have a games on demand service for Gamecube games like Xbox and Playstation do with their previous generation (or maybe they do? I haven't turned my Wii on in one billion years. Please correct me if I'm wrong) because I don't want to have to throw down $100 or whatever for a used copy of Wind Waker off of eBay.
06-26-2012 08:24 AM
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Mr.Holmes Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
Oh man, Luigi's Mansion, no doubt. Being the youngest of my brothers, when I learned that Luigi was stepping out of Mario's shadow to rescue him from a bunch of ghosts, I was all over that game. Well at least I was whenever Christmas rolled in. I remember waking up and seeing all these other packages but only one caught my eye. That small thin rectangular case sitting right on the front. I played until I was sick of it, then I played it some more.
06-26-2012 08:31 AM
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Slam Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
I've a gamecube right in my room and I play it sometimes. The games I love the most are Super Smash Bros Meelee, Mario kart, Tales of Syphonia, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time
06-26-2012 08:46 AM
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Berry Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
Luigi's Mansion , definitely.It was first GameCube game I've got and no doubt it was a hell of a lot of fun,though it gets tiring and you basically know everything after the first 3 times but it still enjoyable.Cant wait for Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon to come out

(06-26-2012 08:24 AM)Tajasaurus Wrote:  My first Gamecube memory was going to my friend's house and watching him play Luigi's Mansion when he got it just after launch. He only played it for a couple of minutes and wouldn't let me have a turn because he was a giant jerk, I guess.

But playing Wind Waker is absolutely my bes Gamecube memories. That game was amazing. I know a lot of people don't like it because of that graphics and/or the amount of sailing, but I love every single thing about it.

It's a shame that the Wii doesn't have a games on demand service for Gamecube games like Xbox and Playstation do with their previous generation (or maybe they do? I haven't turned my Wii on in one billion years. Please correct me if I'm wrong) because I don't want to have to throw down $100 or whatever for a used copy of Wind Waker off of eBay.

What i do is go to a Flea Market,eventually i will find a game i want or a console(like a nintendo 64 and a bunch of other badass games).Sometimes i get lucky and find a RARE game like pocket monster green version
(This post was last modified: 06-26-2012 09:34 AM by Berry.)
06-26-2012 09:29 AM
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ThatBZguy Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
Luigi's mansion was a great game, really short though, I spent hours wasting away on Super Smash Bros Melee, and my own personal favorite for the Gamecube was Mario Kart Double Dash, awesome additions to the experience
06-26-2012 09:43 AM
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RussB93 Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
I got my Gamecube right after it came out and it came with Metroid Prime. I remember playing it to death, never really getting anywhere because I was young and stupid, but just getting lost in the world. I had a blast with that game and when I finally finished it I felt as if I accomplished the hardest thing in life for a 9 year old, so basically I felt like a boss.
06-26-2012 09:44 AM
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Wowzers Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
I got my Gamecube on Christmas of 2005. The first game I got was Super Mario Sunshine; it was a pretty good game game for me; but my little baby brother flushed it down the toilet -__-. Mario Kart Double Dash, Timesplitters, Luigi's Mansion, Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and Wind Waker; those were my favorites, but out of all my favorites it should be Super Smash Bros Melee, I think that was the highlight game of the Gamecube. I remember playing it with my cousins all the time. I think last year we even setup a SSBM party. Haha. Good times.
06-26-2012 10:21 AM
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Kat Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
My most memorable moment while playing the GameCube was when I was playing Wind Waker and my dad came in the room to tell me that I had to get off in an hour. What felt like 5 minutes passed and he came back to tell me that the hour had passed. I looked up at the clock and he was totally right.

I remember playing Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Party 7 a lot, normally playing both with my brother. He used to break the shit out of my controllers when he lost. :/ I have the giant wheel for the Double Dash around here somewhere..

Then, of course, there was Luigi's Mansion. I never actually beat the game, though. I beat the baby boss and I don't really remember what was after that.

I also vividly remember playing both Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness and Pokemon Colosseum. Such great games. They made me rage pretty hard as a kid, but I still loved them. I haven't beaten either of them (yet) because I never knew wtf I was supposed to do next, even though Pokemon Colosseum sort of walks you through it with in-game emails that tell you where to go because of certain events and whatnot.

I recently bought the Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for GameCube. I can play OoT, MM, the original Legend of Zelda, and the Adventure of Link on the GameCube with it. I love it.
06-26-2012 10:21 AM
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Cinna Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
playing kirby air ride and super mario sunshine with my aunts when i was younger

good times <3
06-26-2012 10:26 AM
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Perce Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
Playing Smash Bros. Melee with my cousins all day during summer holidays.
That was freaking amazing ! Smile Good old times. \o/
06-26-2012 10:48 AM
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cingchris Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Your best Gamecube memory?
Playing Super Smash Bros. Melee to the point of 100% completion and then still playing it till it broke. XD
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2012 01:37 PM by cingchris.)
06-26-2012 10:48 AM
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