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The Free Thread
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Mr.Holmes Offline
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Post: #616
RE: The Free Thread
I've sliced my foot, I can spread the wound open, but I don't wanna.
08-16-2012 09:36 AM
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zinja Offline

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Post: #617
RE: The Free Thread
(08-16-2012 06:26 AM)The Antagonist Wrote:  
(08-16-2012 06:15 AM)Hexadecimal Wrote:  Hey! Hey! I'm going to tell you guys stuff that's happened to me at work over the years because I can!


You should write a book, man.

I would buy it.

@Hexadecimal first off, do you have frequent nightmares? That last thing I can remember that scared me was when lighting strikes pretty close and woke me up.

You said over the years, but where you work seems creepy all the time.. Anything good happen?

@Holmes For the sake of your foot, don't.
08-16-2012 10:06 AM
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Hexadecimal Offline

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Post: #618
RE: The Free Thread
(08-16-2012 10:06 AM)zinja Wrote:  @Hexadecimal first off, do you have frequent nightmares? That last thing I can remember that scared me was when lighting strikes pretty close and woke me up.

You said over the years, but where you work seems creepy all the time.. Anything good happen?

I actually don't! The only times when I get freaky dreams is if I watched a scary movie or played a horror game (which sucks, because I like them both), or if I'm sick. I had a really freaky one once where if you watched the third DVD of a set this man would hunt you down, slice you in half, and replace your bottom half with animal legs. In my case it was a cat. Sounds ridiculous, but it was scary in my head.

I also had a dream about a bear who wanted to play hockey during that same few days I was sick. Not scary, but still odd.

Oh jeez... Random crap waking you up is the worst. I was having a sleep over at a friend's house once when I hear an odd noise out the window. I opened the curtains and a freaking owl was staring at me with big yellow eyes. It was cool to see one that close but still!

To be honest, no. Nothing good ever happens at that place. A pack of cranky bitches are in charge and they all look out for each other. I tried to get the union to help me, but they said they aren't able to help with harassment, which is BS. My union dues are a freaking waste. The kitchen is notorious for being a hell hole but the pay and benefits are too good to leave.

A lady is actually out sick since the place stressed her out so much. As a result I'm working 96 hours this pay period and getting a ton of overtime, which is awesome since I recently bought a rare figure of Morrigan that expensive despite the fact it was the lowest I've ever seen her.

Ack, sorry! Get me going and I will seriously rant on and on.
08-16-2012 10:18 AM
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zinja Offline

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Post: #619
RE: The Free Thread
One of the worst nightmares I had was when I went on a ski trip with my friends and overnight I dreamt that they left me, so I had to ask for a ride when a avalanche happened and I got buried in snow. I woke up screaming for help. I hate nightmares.

Did the owl turn his head? That would be so awesome to see.

Well, I hope things get better at your job. That sounds pretty bad.
08-16-2012 10:34 AM
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Hexadecimal Offline

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Post: #620
RE: The Free Thread
^ Ugh. That's mean when nightmares screw with what's actually going on in the real world. Did it make you all paranoid for the rest of the time or did you just shake it off?

No. I just opened the curtains, saw the eyes, and then realized what they belonged to.
08-16-2012 10:37 AM
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zinja Offline

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Post: #621
RE: The Free Thread
(08-16-2012 10:37 AM)Hexadecimal Wrote:  ^ Ugh. That's mean when nightmares screw with what's actually going on in the real world. Did it make you all paranoid for the rest of the time or did you just shake it off?

No. I just opened the curtains, saw the eyes, and then realized what they belonged to.

I shook it off knowing that it wasn't real, but it was so vivid. I didn't enjoy the trip the same way afterwards. I never told my friends because I thought they would actually do it the next day or just laugh at how stupid it is. I was just glad they were still there.
08-16-2012 10:46 AM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #622
RE: The Free Thread
It was raining last night. Though on a plus, I now know that there were many-a-chamoix strutting around overnight Tongue
08-16-2012 04:51 PM
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A Zombie Riot Offline
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Post: #623
RE: The Free Thread
I'm tired.
08-16-2012 06:35 PM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #624
RE: The Free Thread
(08-16-2012 06:35 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote:  I'm tired.

[Image: Go+to+bed_fa120d_3320947.jpg]
08-16-2012 09:02 PM
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Mr.Holmes Offline
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Post: #625
RE: The Free Thread
Day 2: I have patched the wound. I have 20 minutes before the bus gets here, I'm scared of my mother.
08-16-2012 09:23 PM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #626
RE: The Free Thread
08-18-2012 03:34 AM
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A Zombie Riot Offline
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Post: #627
RE: The Free Thread
So, I executed the guy being executed in Solitude for the guards. I figured I'd let a load off of them. They disagreed. They came right after me and attacked.

Apparently they don't like arrows to the head of the guy being executed.
08-18-2012 03:43 AM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #628
RE: The Free Thread
(08-18-2012 03:43 AM)A Zombie Riot Wrote:  So, I executed the guy being executed in Solitude for the guards. I figured I'd let a load off of them. They disagreed. They came right after me and attacked.

Apparently they don't like arrows to the head of the guy being executed.

I did the exact same thing and regret nothing.

In similar fashion, I once freed a prisoner of the Thalmor on a road. I was like "lol dude, I just freed you". He wasn't happy and attacked me Sad
08-18-2012 03:50 AM
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A Zombie Riot Offline
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Post: #629
RE: The Free Thread
(08-18-2012 03:50 AM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote:  
(08-18-2012 03:43 AM)A Zombie Riot Wrote:  So, I executed the guy being executed in Solitude for the guards. I figured I'd let a load off of them. They disagreed. They came right after me and attacked.

Apparently they don't like arrows to the head of the guy being executed.

I did the exact same thing and regret nothing.

In similar fashion, I once freed a prisoner of the Thalmor on a road. I was like "lol dude, I just freed you". He wasn't happy and attacked me Sad

I was in this Thalmor place and there were people in the dungeon. I opened the doors and all of them were like "Go away." and stuff. I was like "B-But I just freed you? Why do you have to be so mean. *cries*"

But I freaking LOVE Skyrim. Such a fun and addicting game.
08-18-2012 04:28 AM
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Sohakmet Offline

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Post: #630
RE: The Free Thread
Got myself a new gaming mouse and headset. They fee lreally good to be used and I've seen good things about them on the interwebz. The price was literally a steal, so I got it.
08-18-2012 12:17 PM
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