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Fire Emblem
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gsninja Offline
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Post: #1
Fire Emblem
Sorry if there's already a thread, but I didn't see one in the first five pages.

Fire Emblem is currently one of my favorite franchises, stemming from tendency to be a JRPG whore. I got Awakening on Tuesday, which I fortunately pre-ordered beforehand because my friends who are interested in it can't find it anywhere.

I'm still on my first playthrough, Chapter 25 on Hard/Classic. I noticed that this game puts a much bigger emphasis on dealing with enemy reinforcements that the FEs that have come before. Not only are there always so many of them, but because reinforcements come at the beginning of the enemy turn this time around, you have to be extra careful not to leave anyone unprotected.
02-11-2013 05:28 AM
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retrolinkx Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Fire Emblem
Love Fire Emblem, it, along with Advanced Wars and Shadow Wars were what brought me into loving TBS's.

Currently playing Fire Emblem 7 on Eliwood's story, had to restart because I lost data some time ago, but it's not that bad since I did get back to where I needed to be.

I would be playing Awakening but there is no UK release date yet so I'm still waiting.

Also, I can't be the only person who hates when some of their strongest units die from retarded critical hits. I've had my Paladins die from the enemy boss once, who had 2 CRITICAL HITS in a row.
02-11-2013 07:06 AM
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Xannidel Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Fire Emblem
I loved Sacred Stones the most. I look forward to when I start accumulating a lot of the 3DS games like KH:DDD, Professor Layton and this game for example.
02-11-2013 08:51 AM
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Psychospacecow Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Fire Emblem
Love fire emblem, sucked at it, but loved it. Only one I beat was the DS one.
02-11-2013 01:43 PM
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gsninja Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Fire Emblem
(02-11-2013 08:51 AM)Xannidel Wrote:  I loved Sacred Stones the most. I look forward to when I start accumulating a lot of the 3DS games like KH:DDD, Professor Layton and this game for example.
This game, KH:3D, and SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked are my top three titles on the 3DS so far. The system as a whole has really become more well-rounded with good games compared to a year ago.

(02-11-2013 01:43 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote:  Love fire emblem, sucked at it, but loved it. Only one I beat was the DS one.
That was my least favorite one lol, but not a bad game. Give this one a try, it's already one of my favorite FEs.

I beat the game last night, so I'm starting a Lunatic/Classic playthrough. The first couple chapters are supposed to be the hardest, and I can already see why...even in the Prologue, it only takes 1-2 rounds max for a unit to die (Except for Frederick, the pre-promote).
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2013 01:49 AM by gsninja.)
02-12-2013 01:46 AM
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Mass Distraction Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Fire Emblem
I'm looking forward to Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem though I've never played either series. I've watched all the Shin Megami and Persona anime, though.

I'm also pretty interested in something called Pony Emblem. Call me crazy but I like the series and the idea seems interesting. I'm starting to think that project has been cancelled, though. Here's their YT page: [link]
02-12-2013 02:54 AM
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Arjahn Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Fire Emblem
Before last monday, I've never played a Fire Emblem game. After picking up Awakening, however, I realize that I really should've checked this series out earlier, it's amazing, and currently my favorite 3DS game. I haven't had a ton of time to play it yet, and since I've mainly been focusing on side quests and mixing up classes, I think I'm only around chapter 19 on Hard Casual (figured I'd start with Casual since it's my first time, definitely going to try out Classic afterwards).
The game is great guys, you should really try it out.

Also, are there any GBA, DS or SNES Fire Emblem games you could recommend?
02-12-2013 01:40 PM
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gsninja Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Fire Emblem
(02-12-2013 02:54 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote:  I'm looking forward to Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem though I've never played either series. I've watched all the Shin Megami and Persona anime, though.

I'm REALLY looking forward to that. I love both series, even though I've only played one SMT game (Devil Survivor Overclocked).

(02-12-2013 01:40 PM)Arjahn Wrote:  Also, are there any GBA, DS or SNES Fire Emblem games you could recommend?

My personal recommendations:

-FE4: Seisen no Keifu (SNES)
-FE6: Fuuin no Tsurugi (GBA)
-FE9: Path of Radiance (GCN)
-FE10: Radiant Dawn (Wii)

You'll find a lot of people will also recommend FE7. I personally found it one of the weaker entries in the series and by far one of the easiest, barring Hector Hard Mode (Which was really legit). I'm not saying it was bad by any means. It's still a good game in its own right and I had fun playing it, it's just not as good as most other games in the series, in my opinion. I'm in the minority though, you'd most likely have fun with it.
(This post was last modified: 02-13-2013 02:10 AM by gsninja.)
02-13-2013 02:09 AM
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