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Those creepy vidya moments.
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retrolinkx Offline
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Shocked Those creepy vidya moments.
You know that creepy stuff in games.

Metal Gear Solid 2 Arsenal Gear (Contains Spoilers)

I just played this game in April, believe me playing this at 2am, while tired, is not a good idea.

Metroid Fusion: SA-X

Being, I think, 10 at the time and playing this was also very very scary for me.

I'd also like to mention those jumps and shocks you get from random enemies sometimes.
06-27-2012 10:52 AM
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Arjahn Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
I think that was the first time I defecated my pants due to a videogame. Well that and that one Saw tamigachi I got as a prank with the guy from the movies...
06-27-2012 10:58 AM
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Mr.Katana Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
Jump scares are the worst for me. Dunno why I still want to play Dead Space 2 even because that fact.
06-27-2012 11:00 AM
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Doom_master1122 Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
SA-X was brilliant. To this day when ever I play fusion it has me scrambling with my tail between my legs to get out of the room as soon as possible. It certainly is scary.

Other games that creeped me out has been Amnesia (Not as much as other people? Its creepy, but people seem to over exaggerated it.) and the F.E.A.R. series, notably 1 and 2 as F.3.A.R. wasn't too spectacular.
06-27-2012 12:01 PM
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Zaliphone Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
The Sorrow from MGS3 was seriously scary. And the first time I saw a Creeper in Minecraft the holy crap was scared right out of me.
06-27-2012 12:27 PM
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Peppermint Stranger Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
Bart's Department Store in Condemned: Criminal Origins. It cemented my fear of mannequins.

You wander around defending yourself from vicious, homeless maniacs only to find in a moment of silence that all of the mannequins are mannequins. After the first guys wearing mannequin parts jump you, you can't help but taze every single mannequins you come across after that.

Best part? The part where you're just walking along, the screen flashes white noise and you find yourself surrounded by a circle of mannequins. I stood motionless for several minutes before tazing each and every one just in case. Then it happens again a few minutes later.
06-28-2012 01:17 AM
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7Soul Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
I remember when playing Grim Fandango when you were talking to your girl, in a really dark and misty place. You couldn't see her very well, but she was acting weird. As the conversation progressed, she started to sound angry. At a point the music stopped and she screamed as a crow flew from were she was in your direction.
Turns out you were talking to a crow the whole time :|
06-28-2012 06:38 AM
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Xannidel Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
I have two major fears: Water levels and dolls.
I was a young kid when I played the original Dark Forces game and wouldn't you believe it; the third darn level was a sewer (still water lvl!) level filled with monsters that would first stick an eye up and then pop out to greet you and om nom nom your face off! Those things scared me so much as a kid that not even cheat codes to be invincible would help me beat that level.

Dolls on the other hand, I have no idea why I am afraid of them but in Condemned 2 there is a level where you are in a doll factory. Hey no problem, I mean I was expecting to fight crazy people like before. Nope! Instead I am fighting dolls that move around so creepy like and the music and atmosphere are just UGH ><
06-28-2012 08:07 AM
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Metal Offline

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Post: #9
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
Creepers and chaotic mauls.
06-28-2012 09:13 AM
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Nuudoru Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
(06-28-2012 08:07 AM)Xannidel Wrote:  I have two major fears: Water levels and dolls.
I was a young kid when I played the original Dark Forces game and wouldn't you believe it; the third darn level was a sewer (still water lvl!) level filled with monsters that would first stick an eye up and then pop out to greet you and om nom nom your face off! Those things scared me so much as a kid that not even cheat codes to be invincible would help me beat that level.

I'm with you on the water level thing. To this day I still feel uneasy going underwater in video games..
06-28-2012 06:27 PM
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Nicknclank Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Those creepy vidya moments.
Wanna know MY scary moment?

When I was younger, my parents would drop me off to my baby-sitter. She would have a bunch of young and old kids. One of them always brought his N64 and the game LoZ: Ocarina of Time. I always liked to watch him play (Can you believe it? A gamer at such a young age!) and I always though it was a fun game.

But, everything changed when Link grew older for the first time. When he went outside of the temple of time, I was horrified. There were frekin' zombies type of monsters EVERYWHERE! (Well, that's what thought when I was younger.) The fact that they make a horrific shriek when they see horrified me! Not only that, but they slowly start to walk to you! And when they touch you, they jump on your back and suck your soul! You couldn't even do anything except watch Link die without being able to do anything to help him! It was like a death sentence when they saw you!

Each time the guy would walk past one of those monsters, I would close my eyes... but then, I grew up, I played the game and I understood that they were just pixels on a screen :I
06-28-2012 11:37 PM
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