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The Rayman Series
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SpecialUnitt Offline

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Post: #1
The Rayman Series
Just been playing Rayman 2 for PS1 and its dawned on me that even though it hasnt aged well its still an awesome game. The Rayman series is one I hold close to my heart. Hell, The fist Rayman game was the first game I ever played. It set the whole thing off. Whats everyones opinion on the series?

(The first Raving Rabbids game is the only good raving Rabbids game imo)
08-09-2012 10:55 PM
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Xannidel Offline

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Post: #2
RE: The Rayman Series
I only played Rayman 1 and 2 on the Playstation and I did not really enjoy Rayman 2 as much as Rayman 1, Rayman 1 was hard as hell and if you weren't a completionist then you were not getting to the end of the game. The platforming was a little off at times but the levels were all so unique and awesome.
08-09-2012 11:22 PM
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #3
RE: The Rayman Series
Dear Ubisoft

Get rid of those FUGGING RABBIDS!
Sincerely EVERYONE!

The Rayman games are AWESOME! Such great memories of that game on the PS1. Rayman 2 was amazing too. Took a risk with it but damn it was a great end result. I played the Rayman 3 but wasn't as into as the previous 2. Rayman M, I actually liked. Thought it was pretty fun. But hose Rabbids....those bloody damn Rabbids. What are they doing!? Rayman origins though....*kisses*. So good. Played on Xbox and 3DS. Love it.

Why is Rayman 2 on everything!?
(This post was last modified: 08-09-2012 11:59 PM by BumblebeeCody.)
08-09-2012 11:56 PM
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Symphony Offline
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Post: #4
RE: The Rayman Series
I love Rayman 64. Me and my dad used to rent it for the weekend and spend the whole freaking day playing it. Even though we couldn't save, we happily repeated the stages and let the N64 on so we could keep progress.
Then I got news that Ubisoft was releasing a Rayman for the PC. I went crazy. But when I tried it, it gave me no game settings whatsoever. I couldn't turn the antialising off; I couldn't disable Vsync; tone down those freaking mists/colorfull sprites that lag the hell out; and I couldn't even change the graphic settings.
Ubisoft hates low-end pc users =/
08-10-2012 01:41 AM
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Scormac Offline
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Post: #5
RE: The Rayman Series
I played Rayman Origins and its lotsa fun Big Grin also no raddibs
08-10-2012 05:47 AM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #6
RE: The Rayman Series
Dat creepy one-eyed monster that says you can't go past Sad
Had many nightmares because of that bugger...


[Image: rayman2_screen008.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 08-10-2012 06:46 AM by SERIOUSLY THOUGH.)
08-10-2012 06:39 AM
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Nicknclank Offline
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Post: #7
RE: The Rayman Series
Actually, MY favorite Rayman game was the THIRD one. I remembered the fact that it was tough for me, but that after a LOT of time and patience, I finished it and saw one of the... small, grey guys dancing a gig. I also remembered what happened after...

I went to see my dad (it was noon I think) who was playing baseball with my family.


Dad- Wait, what?

Me- I finished Rayman! I beat the final boss and crushed the fly Big Grin

Dad- I told you to STOP playing videogames today! No games for the week

Me- D:

Yeah... ah well, I loved the game ^_^ Too bad I sold it ._.
08-10-2012 02:50 PM
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DHXIII Offline
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Post: #8
RE: The Rayman Series
Rayman 2 is not -in my opinion- dated. If you play the Dreamcast port it you'll see that the game holds up really well.

For me Rayman 2 is one of the prime examples of a 3-D platformer, It is brimming with great atmosphere and fantastic level design. I liked Rayman 3 but the point system and it was a bit too short for my liking.
08-10-2012 07:51 PM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #9
RE: The Rayman Series
(08-10-2012 07:51 PM)DHXIII Wrote:  Rayman 2 is not -in my opinion- dated. If you play the Dreamcast port it you'll see that the game holds up really well.

For me Rayman 2 is one of the prime examples of a 3-D platformer, It is brimming with great atmosphere and fantastic level design. I liked Rayman 3 but the point system and it was a bit too short for my liking.

Though screw the spinning pipe challenge thing. Screw that sideways.
08-11-2012 04:34 AM
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Liraxus Offline
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Post: #10
RE: The Rayman Series
This reminded me to upload some cool facts later, but anyways, yeah, i played Rayman 1, 2(Revolution), missed out on 3, and i'm planning on getting Origins. Rayman 1's art was just so beautiful, and is the reason why Graphics are important for a game.

Man, i loved Band land...but Bzzt is probably the reason why i'm so scared of bugs...

Edit-Got those facts outta the way!
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2012 12:19 PM by Liraxus.)
08-11-2012 09:12 AM
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Hexadecimal Offline

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Post: #11
RE: The Rayman Series
I did like Rayman 1, but not as much because it was too hard me. Sadly as much as I like video games I'm not really very good at them; LOL. I actually bought it after Rayman 2 since I like that one so much.

I really don't know why I wanted the second Rayman. I was just a little kid and my mom said she'd buy me a new 64 game since I did so well on my report card. I really think I may have just wanted Rayman for the shallow reason that the cover looked neat. I did pick up the Dream Cast version, but I didn't get all the way through it yet, so this is currently my favorite version of the game. The PS2 one upset me a bit because the took out my favorite cut scene of the Teensies deciding to just take turns being king.

I did have fun with Rayman M but feel no reason to go back to it after completing everything. It was nice to have to tide me over until Rayman 3 came out.

I do agree that Rayman 3 doesn't quite match the magical feel that 2 does but it was still a VERY good game. I liked how Murphy was a chatter box during the first level and actually missed him; I know plenty of people thing he's quite annoying. Am I remembering things wrong or doesn't he crack a Zelda comment when you're in the Fairy Council? The only thing that really bothered me is that it broke cannon by seemingly leaving out the fact that Globox has a wife and an insane amount of kids.

I really thought the original Raving Rabbids was just going to be a fun little one shot since the crew the works on Rayman has a neat sense of humor. I thought the entire series had gone to hell once they started releasing sequel after sequel of those stupid bunnies.

I think we were all thrilled at the announcement of Rayman Origins. I'm a bit sad they dumped the original idea of showing what Rayman was like before becoming a hero but what they went with is tons of fun! I like playing as the pink Teensie.
08-17-2012 03:15 AM
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