Solo Diver
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RE: Create our own story thread.
He walks towards it, keen on leaving that part of his life behind.
He sighs as he throws the bottle out of the window, remembering the better days when he could be happy without the need to intoxicate himself. Perhaps if he stopped drinking, the effects would stop... Perhaps it would all stop...
A subtle buzzing, like that of a wasp, in his ear told him that his problems were not over. If he was to get through this in one piece, he would have to fight his self-inflicted demons.
Keeping his fly swatter on him, as a matter of irrational safety, he turned towards the window and saw the desolation outside. A desolation that he could only escape through a bottle. As was his habit, he reached down to his pocket, where he kept his "emergency bottle".
He could only find the swatter.
Both cursing at his reality and relieved that he had taken the first step to escaping it, he walked towards the exit.
He heard Nina say something, but could not quite discern the words.
"That's strange," he thought, why would she suddenly become incoherent?
Could she also be a side-effect of his addiction?
Deciding to get to the bottom of the whole affair, he placed the swatter in the rucksack and made his way outside...
07-02-2012 06:56 PM |