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RE: Create our own story thread.
People around him were round up by the black clad paramilitaries, and after a few seconds he felt a goon shoving him in the chest and a cold voice muffeld by the mask barking:
"Into the corner with the rest of the staff, murderer!"
He knew that resisting was pointless for the moment , and carefully walked over into the corner , wehre around a dozen other employees sat on the floor with a frightend look on their faces. guarded by two of those clowns in black urban camoflage clothing. He sat down and tried to concentrate, nothing sobered you up quite as fast as mens pointing guns at you.
he looked around. All the employees present were round up here in the corner of the main lobby, under guard ,while 10 more of those jokers strolled around the Hall like they owned the place. Then something happend. One of their captors removed his black mask, revealing his hairless head and a face that was covered at least half by extreme acid burns, and walked over to the receptionists counter ,grabbing the intercom.
"Employees of Gate Corp, we are the Sons of Gaia, we protect those that cannot protect themselfs. your company is responsible for the destruction of thousands of square kilometers of wildlife in the amazonian forest and the poisoning of hundrets of kilometers of riverwater. unless our demands ar met and the government releases stronger laws against pollution, we will start executing employees one by one...."
"Great , Eco Terrorists, whale huggers with guns" Aley thought "peacefull civil resistance was deader then dead, every lunatic with a message spoke the language of violence these days"
"Nina , are you still there?" he thought "any ideas on how to get out of here?"
07-02-2012 02:37 PM |