Lv. 99 Chicken
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RE: Create our own story thread.
...down the old subway tunnel into the transportation hub, preparing for another monotonous grind of a day. She was talking as faced paced as normal, going on about today's meeting and how important today's sale was. For some reason, today this all seemed even more irrelevant than usual; Why was the sale so important? So he could make a few extra credits a year and just dip them back into the bottle? What was the point of all of this crap anyways, surely selling a few more gate generator parts wasn't saving any lives or ending any of the thousands of wars out there in the galaxy. He was starting to realise just how pointless his existance really was, just another tiny cog in a machine of billions, but what was the machine doing other than further proliferating itself?
Stepping into his usual gate chamber, section 20XX Pod number 42, he realised that this was all nonsense, of course it was. He made a living doing important work to support himself, right? All of that thought before was just nonsense.
The gate performed its usual check, warmed up as he felt that familiar super-nova heat and was evaporated.
When he arrived at the exit gate, he was re-assembled and greeted by...
07-02-2012 11:04 AM |