(02-27-2013 09:36 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: (02-26-2013 05:47 AM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: I liked the game, but I HATEHATEHATE the controls. I despise these new motion controls. I just want my old controllers back. I don't want to spend half my game trying to fix the motion crap just because the thing fell off the tv, or I want to go from sitting up laying down, or any other of a million reasons those horribly awful motion controls fuck up. I could barely pay attention to the game because most of the time I was very uncomfortable because once you set your controller you basically can't move.
Also, I agree- Fi is horrendous.
Did I mention I HATE these new motion sensor controllers?
I just realised that means you finally got around to playing SS?
Yes! But I get so frustrated that I can only play for so long. The story is sooo good and the game itself is sooo fun, but god damn I hate the controls