Heh. This is starting to turn out like the Dreamcast and the PS2, with the Wii U and PS4.
This time the Dreamcast is PS4, and the Wii U is PS2
Sony cannot into conference. They showed off about 4 exclusives, and then showed multiplats, social gaming and how powerful their console is (and from what I've heard it's not that powerful).
For a 2 hour conference that is not how you do it. You show us games that are impressive, not just current gen games with more blur and such. Killzone looked good, but I could imagine current gen consoles doing this pretty easily, although I understand in time the console will look better, we'll just have to wait and see.
At least when Nintendo announced the Wii U, it had potential, that screen adds to the gameplay in so many ways. Sony's PS4 controller does nothing as far as I can tell.
I'll give them a D-, they showed some games, but about 1 hour of the show was talking with more talking and then social gaming, and terrible things that don't even appeal to casuals.
Still getting it though. Being an Idort is glorious.