(02-21-2013 12:48 PM)Xannidel Wrote: Cody you do know that trying to make the interface like Windows 8 is a BAD thing right? I had never had a harder time trying to get to the start menu to restart a computer then my mom's friend's computer that had Windows 8 on it.
The button does other things as well, no need to get over dramatic over a button.
Yeah I know. That's what I said, making it not look like Windows 8.
Also, yeah it's not just Facebook. It's sharing in-game snapshots and videos. But's because it's classed as Social Gaming and they're really trying to push that. When you add a button on the controller dedicated to broadcasting to everyone what you've just done, then you've wasted time on a gimmicky featured which could've been put to better use. Xbox lets you tell everyone what achievement you have just obtained. There was a mandatory update for FFXIII-2(mandatory if you want to be online and play(and update since it was later added)) so you could tell everyone who is in your party. Uncharted 3 lets you link your account to Facebook. Now there's a button for doing all of that because it's the latest feature to have. Plus the presentation wouldn't stop mentioning that sharing is the way forward/innovative. They dedicated a lot of time just to talk about sharing/networking.
We had an awesome new controller unveiled that had around 5 minutes dedicated for it, but well over 30 minutes on "social gaming"