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The Free Thread *gaming related*
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Ouberry_13 Offline
The Mad Mage

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Post: #7
RE: The Free Thread *gaming related*
(11-08-2012 12:54 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote:  @A Zombie Riot
Doom 3 was lacking in certain areas but I still felt motivation to keep playing. (Still yet to buy the BFG edition).

Lollipop Chainsaw was awesome D:

Last Guardian information was posted yesterday here

You're the same type of YouTube commenter I've found who "cares" about DmC yet has no idea what they are talking about. Rather than looking at the game itself, you complain about Dante not having white hair. I'm also going to take a wild guess and say you're one of those who "love DmC but have NO idea how to play it and just mash XXXXYYY". Everyone I know within the Deep DmC community are looking forward to this game and those that have played it(Some of the tournament players) have said the gameplay is "almost" on par with Dante in DMC4 (with stances and combos). The point of DmC (and Bayonetta) is that it's supposed to be an adventure/fighting game. You don't bitch about story and graphic design but talk about how in-depth the games mechanics are.
It's the same as complaining about the story of Street Fighter 4 but who cares about the story, it's the gameplay that's important.

DmC needed a series reboot as the series ended fine after DMC4. Look at games like Tomb Raider which have taken a more Uncharted root. The story of DmC hasn't been "spoiled" yet so no-one knows what the deal behind Dantes new look is, along with the environments, settings, characters and relationships. You're ignorance and blind hate also seems to shine high when you refer to the company as "Team Ninja(Ninja Gaiden/DoA)" rather than "Ninja Theory(Heavenly Sword/Enslaved)". Also, I don't think you grasp the point of a "reboot". Look at films like Spiderman 1,2 and 3 to the new Amazing Spiderman. I guess Amazing Spiderman sucks because of his costume or that Aunt May doesn't have gray hair? It's a retelling of the story/new story and DmC is now in that phase.

Lastly, there is a demo for DmC later this month. Instead of already spouting BS and coming to a conclusion that it sucks (based on Dante having black hair....) maybe you should play it.
You should use more caps and swear more.

Ok, where do I begin? Let's see, first off, fuck you for thinking I don't care about DMC. It is one of my favorite Capcom franchises. And, if you paid attention, I mentioned Dante's new appearance first because it was the least important thing. It does bug me, but not as much as how different they made his character. His appearance looks bad compared to his old one, yes, but I don't care that much. It's his new personality that bothers me. Also, fuck you for thinking I'm a button mashing Youtube asshole. Again, this is a great series that I've loved since I first played it. And, just for more obscenities, fuck you for saying how the story doesn't matter. Yes, the mechanics are more important, but does that mean I'm not allowed to like the story? And for more swearing, fuck off with that "Team Ninja/Ninja Theory" shit. So I said the wrong company name. The names are similar enough to confuse, so I'm so fucking sorry I said the wrong name.

And yes, I am pissed now, mostly because of you trying to make it seem I don't like the game itself. I've seen gameplay, and the gameplay looks solid. Just because the gameplay looks good, does that mean I should just shut up about the radical change in character personalities?

Was that enough swearing for you, jackass?
(This post was last modified: 11-08-2012 05:14 AM by Ouberry_13.)
11-08-2012 05:11 AM
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RE: The Free Thread *gaming related* - Ouberry_13 - 11-08-2012 05:11 AM
Games for windows live sucks - Skarro - 11-24-2012, 03:55 AM
RE: Games for windows live sucks - Skarro - 11-24-2012, 08:51 AM

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