Solo Diver
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RE: RP Discussion
Aaaand here's Chapter 1 - Part 4, things are getting dangerous
STORYBack in the airship’s bar, Arjahn Mjakhim and Alex Starfade were debating what to do next.
“I say we stop him as soon as we can and force him to explain what he knows”, shouted Alex, in his usual noisy self.
“I have a recorder on him, he won’t be doing anything without us knowing,” replied Mjakhim, showing Alex his end of the recorder.
“Well I’m not sitting around waiting for something to happen. I’m going to find him. Also, we need to find Moo. She left for the small hangar not long ago, and she's undoubtedly causing trouble with that beard of hers.” And with that, he sped out of the bar, in the direction of the hangar.
Arjahn Mjakhim turned to the barman and said “I think you better hold that crispy food, my friend.”
At the meeting place, Zaliphone’s mind was whirring, trying to work out the situation. Here he was, at gunpoint. No-one knew where he was and no-one was coming to find him.
“Now just listen here,” he blurted out, for want of an escape plan. “We never agreed on who would be here.”
“That sort of thing should be discussed before anything begins,” retorted Georg, loading his firearm with an ominous click.
“Something came up,” stalled Zaliphone, deciding on a course of action. “So if you’ll excuse me I’ll just go now.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” said Georg, and he pulled the trigger.
A shot exploded out of the gun, just as Zaliphone threw his alcohol-filled bottle towards Georg. The impact of the bullet shattered the bottle, making shards of glass fly in every direction. Zaliphone heard the bullet whip past his ear and lodge itself in a pipe behind him. Steam engulfed the pair as the pipe ruptured.
In the bar, Arjahn Mjakhim jumped at the sound of the explosion he could hear in his recorder and ran out into the central hub. He had heard the hissing of steam and such a thing was only held in the engine room, next to the control room. How did they get in there without being noticed ?
In the small hangar, Mary Cow was stroking her beard. Then she stroked her beard before stroking it once more. Alex Starfade came into the hangar just as the muffled sound of an explosion reached their ears.
Mary Cow stopped stroking her beard and looked startled.
“What was that?” she asked, turning to Alex.
“No idea, Moo,” we better go check it out. “Also, your beard is lush, have I ever told you that?”
“Oh you,” she replied, wondering why a comment like that would arise at such a time.
They ran back out of the hangar and towards the sound. At an junction in the main corridors, they ran into the masked Arjahn Mjakhim.
“Zaliphone’s in trouble,” said the tall man. “I think he’s been shot.”
“How did that ever happen?” asked Mary Cow.
“Long story,” replied Alex Starfade. “Let’s find Zaliphone first, then we’ll explain.”
The airship began to vibrate, softly at first, but then faster and faster. They ran off towards the control room.
Zaliphone was dazed. The sound and light of the explosion had thrown him off balance. He had lost all bearing and was stumbling around half-blind. He came across a form on the ground and recognised Georg. The man did not stir, and as Zaliphone began to see more clearly, he saw that a bottle-shard had pierced his treacherous contact’s eye and gone straight through into the brain.
The sight made his stomach turn, but there was no time to be sick. The pipe that had been shot was no doubt of some importance as the airship began to shake severely, tanking to both sides.
The door of the engine room opened and Mary Cow fell in, followed by Arjahn Mjakhim, who had apparently kicked her in, and Alex Starfade. Behind them, Zaliphone saw the bodies of several crew members.
“What…” he started.
“The depressurising of that pipe behind you must have set off a chain reaction,” said Arjahn Mjakhim, “There seems to have been a discharge of electricity, killing everyone in there.”
A sudden judder made them all lose balance. They fell onto the ground and the door slammed shut behind them.
Mary Cow went to open the door and shook the doorknob.
“It won’t open,” she called.
“You’re probably too small to turn it correctly,” replied Zaliphone, and he went over to try for himself. The door wouldn’t budge. “There must be something blocking the door from the other side.”
Arjahn Mjakhim knelt beside the body of Georg, and extracted the shard of glass. “It would appear that your little meeting didn’t go very well,” he said smoothly. “You have some answers to give.”
“I think there’ll be time for that after we get out of here,” shouted Mary Cow, as another series of explosions could be heard. Suddenly, the airship banked and the four were thrown into the front-side wall.
“The airship's in a nosedive,” shouted Alex Starfade, his voice somehow louder than all the noise around them. Sparks flew from machinery and alarms began to screech. The airship was shaking more than ever now and the four were thrown around the room as the ship spiralled. “We’re going down!”
Mary Cow, Alex Starfade and Arjahn Mjakhim go off to find Zaliphone who has just been shot at by his contact. The shot has ruptured a steam pipe and the ship is starting to shake. They find Zaliphone in the engine room. The ship's crew are dead as a result of the explosion. The four (Georg died in the explosion) are stuck by something blocking the door. The ship is now going down and has fallen into a nosedive.