The Rookie.
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RE: How can people in the industry know so little?
DLC is terrible, I've always hated it, if I buy a game, why is it I have to buy something else for it so I can fully experience it, I hated not being able to play half the game types in Halo 3 due to not having the DLC, it was so annoying, I really hate Day one DLC too, or even worse when devs announce DLC BEFORE THE GAME IS FUCKING OUT, if you have the ignorance to announce DLC before the game is even out, put it in the game.
Online Passes are annoying too, I don't like buying games new because I don't have the money for it, so I buy it usually cheap or pre-owned, I can't play multiplayer because of it and it annoys me so much.
Another thing that is going to annoy me in the coming years will be the in-ability to buy games second hand, since everything will probably be digital distribution or a similar thing Capcom does, this is really annoying since I buy a lot of my games second hand, and this will really make buying them harder, a lot of people buy second hand games and get great bargains through them.
08-04-2012 08:04 PM |