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Those emotional moments
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #1
Those emotional moments
We've all had 'em. Rage, joy, sadness etc while play Pocket Monsters. Share your experiences.

Mewtwo. The moment when you're 7 years old in Seafoam island navigating towards Mewtwo. Put on those Max Repels to avoid any damage to the team then you save once you reach Mewtwo. As soon as it starts the plan is simple "Get it down to red health and use those ultra balls". Your team could easily wipe Mewtwos arse but you need to be delicate.
The heart racing begins. Once it's down to red health the first Ultra Ball is thrown,*mashing A and B*. Damn it broke free. It's stubborn. After 10 minutes of doing a small bits of damage and managing to paralyse it and 8 more Ultra Balls attempts. *Twitch once, twice, third time* *Heart beat rising* NOOOOO It broke free on the third one. 10th Ultra Ball *Twitch once*,*twitch twice*, last twitch, mashing A and B*
*Cue Pokemon Yellow capture music*
Oh my....Oh my damn....D:!

*Shows friends*
OK. OK. Save.
*Spends next 30 minutes admiring Mewtwo*
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2012 12:16 PM by BumblebeeCody.)
08-03-2012 10:01 PM
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zatSa Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Those emotional moments
When iwas like 11 years old and the rocket team say goodbye to cacnea, i loved him so much!
i wasnt proud but i couldn't stop crying!
08-04-2012 03:40 AM
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retrolinkx Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Those emotional moments
Well, my heart has always been racing when I fight the Elite 4 or the Champion, DAT MUSIC, DAT HIGH LEVELS, DAT 1 HIT KO, ALL DAT REVIVES, always feel happy beating one of them.

Of course, the one we all must've experienced, last bit of health left on both Pokemon, opponent attacks first, it gets you down to say 3 HP, then you attack and whittle the remaining HP from the opponent to nothing.
08-04-2012 08:37 AM
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Those emotional moments
(08-04-2012 08:37 AM)retrolinkx Wrote:  Well, my heart has always been racing when I fight the Elite 4 or the Champion, DAT MUSIC, DAT HIGH LEVELS, DAT 1 HIT KO, ALL DAT REVIVES, always feel happy beating one of them.

Of course, the one we all must've experienced, last bit of health left on both Pokemon, opponent attacks first, it gets you down to say 3 HP, then you attack and whittle the remaining HP from the opponent to nothing.

YES! Random critical hit!
08-04-2012 12:17 PM
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Arjahn Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Those emotional moments
One time in the dark years of my origin story, I was playing my Gameboy in my room and the power was getting low after a marathon of destroying picknickers with my Ivysaur. I came across a wild level 53 Gyarados in a lake, which normally wouldn't be much, except that my top pokemon, who also happened to be my starter, was only in his lower 30s and I was using an Old Rod, so this appeared to be some weird glitch. I jumped with excitement and decided to try an capture it for my own and crush all gym leaders who dared oppose me! I managed to keep Ivysaur alive, thanks to a combination of Status moves, and tackled it down slowly to the red zone (Yes, 8 year old me still had Tackle in the 30s, I thought it was good luck -.-).Then I started to spam sleep powder and Great Balls, which I had just stocked up on, and after a heated battle and well over 40 balls, similar to Mewtwo, I caught him. I caught my first Gyarados who was ridiculously powerful, now nobody could stop me! It was as this point where I remembered that the battery was dying and I tried to save, and, this is no joke, it ran out of power AS I WAS SAVING.
[Image: tumblr_m836uge9kb1qebvzn.gif]

And then it reverted to the last save, and I cried many times.
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2013 10:58 AM by Arjahn.)
08-04-2012 02:15 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Those emotional moments
(08-04-2012 02:15 PM)Arjahn Wrote:  

It's because you didn't have one of these badboys [Image: game-boy-battery-pack.png] Big Grin

I remember crying manly tears in that episode where Pikachu runs off to join the pack of Pikachus. Also Butterfree leaving to start a family. Goddam Butterfree you made me cry so much.
In game, I think I was too happy beating the Elite Four to cry very much Smile
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2012 07:15 PM by SERIOUSLY THOUGH.)
08-04-2012 07:15 PM
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zax1998 Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Those emotional moments
i have one
i was taking ages to beat team galactic finnally i was able to fight dialga. the ense musik got me sooo hyped up that i KOed dialga then it did an aouto save was about 8 so didn't think to turn it off kinda dont care cuz i had a guide book which meant i could get giratinna and heatran instead
08-05-2012 02:24 AM
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Zaliphone Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Those emotional moments
The first time I beat the Elite 4. Pokemon Ruby. All but one Pokemon fainted, my beloved Swampert was all that was left. But it's PP was not left. I beat the champion's final Pokemon using struggle (I think that's what it was called, it's basically what you use when you're out of PP for all moves, it has recoil damage so it was super scary.)

I was so proud of myself, and I still am. Definitely a highlight in my gaming career.
08-05-2012 02:39 AM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #9
RE: Those emotional moments
(08-05-2012 02:39 AM)Zaliphone Wrote:  The first time I beat the Elite 4. Pokemon Ruby. All but one Pokemon fainted, my beloved Swampert was all that was left. But it's PP was not left. I beat the champion's final Pokemon using struggle (I think that's what it was called, it's basically what you use when you're out of PP for all moves, it has recoil damage so it was super scary.)

I was so proud of myself, and I still am. Definitely a highlight in my gaming career.

Finishing off the Elite Four using struggle
Much respect your way Cool
08-05-2012 06:34 AM
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PikaPikari Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Those emotional moments
The most significant emotional moment I had was during Hey You! Pikachu! for the N64.
I played that game when I was little and considered my pikachu my friend and pet.

One day my Pikachu went missing and not even Professor Oak was able to find him.
I cried for hours, I cried to my dad, I cried in my dads room...

then I walked back to my n64 and a dramatic cutscene happened where pikachu came back home.

I then cried of happiness.
08-06-2012 07:26 AM
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ThatOneFriendlyNerd Offline

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Post: #11
RE: Those emotional moments
recently i was replaying Heart Gold trying to beat the elite four with my favorite teammates and i as on the champion with no revives left. I got him down to the last Dragonite which tore my team apart until i was down to just my Umbreon. I go and start with a dark pulse and get myself a flinch. then he paralyzed me but my synchronize put it right back on him. Umbreon then tanked every hit that was thrown at it to defeat Dragonite with 1 hit left in it. I was so happy i literally jumped for joy. i promptly nicknamed it for it's defining achievement as is tradition.
08-07-2012 01:09 PM
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monkeybull223 Offline
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Post: #12
Heart RE: Those emotional moments
im not by all means a genwunner, in fact i really dont like the original games in terms of battle systems. but if im watching the anime at any point after charizard was left at the charicific valley, and charizard appears, i just get this sense of nostalgia. its not at all normal for me to squeel, "CHARIZARD," like a genwunner, but ash's charizard makes me do that every time. he was just teh most badass and at times fucking hilarious of ash's pokemon. every time i watch the 3rd movie, the one with entei, the titles escaped my mind, at the end of carizard and entei's battle, and charizard nearly gets his throat crushed, i almost cry. same for the end of the 1st movie when ash is turned to stone. my emotional moments with pokemon all came from the anime, not the games, while i play the games fanatically. i think its because i loved the anime so much as a kid, i developed an unbreakable emotional bond with the original characters in the anime, specifically charizard and brock (that hilarious perverted horndog), that will last a lifetime, even after i stop playing pokemon, which i highly doubt
01-29-2013 05:37 AM
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Ouberry_13 Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Those emotional moments
I think I was 7 or 8, and I was playing Crystal, which was my first Gen 2 game, on my brand new GBA. I had been playing for three weeks, training my awesome team, kicking the crap out of all the trainers and gym leaders, and I finally made it up to the Elite 4. I was trekking through each fight, barely scraping by each encounter. And, once I managed to beat Lance, I healed up everyone, since I knew the champion was coming up, or at least, I hoped they were. Kicked his ass in less than 5 minutes. And so, once I win, I sit there and admire all my hard work. All my dedication with my team. And then, I read something that blew my mind. I read that I was now allowed to go into Kanto. My little mind just about exploded. I had such an awesome adventure in Kanto a few years back, so being allowed to see it again was something truly majestic, at least to my little kid mind. And then, after going through all that, I decide to go up Mt Silver to see if I could get all my Mons to level 100. And who do I see standing there in the blizzard? Motherfucking Red. Mother. Fucking. Red. To this day, I have still not beaten him, and it shall be my goal to do so before I get X/Y.
01-29-2013 10:42 AM
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Mass Distraction Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Those emotional moments
When I learned about the story how Blue's Raticate died in the games and the reason he was in Pokémon Tower. It was a sad realization and part of my childhood died.

Oh yeah, and I almost cried when I learned that my Silver had died. Then I bought Crystal to soothe my pain. Then it died.
(This post was last modified: 01-30-2013 01:57 AM by Mass Distraction.)
01-30-2013 01:56 AM
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Berry Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Those emotional moments
When Brock momentarily left the Series.Nothing has to be said.
01-30-2013 06:22 AM
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