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I need feedback:D
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Lazarus Offline
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Post: #1
I need feedback:D
I have a samll but growing Youtube audience. I LOVE what i'm doing, and I want to make it my job. I have a link to a montage I made and I would REALLY be thankful if you guys could leave me some feedback! Big Grin

01-20-2013 03:52 AM
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Solo Diver

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Post: #2
RE: I need feedback:D
I've moved this thread to the Creative Discussion. I didn't move it to the Shameless Self Promotion because Lazarus is asking for feedback which is technically a call for creative discussion.

Let me know if I angered you and/or your family by moving this thread incorrectly.
01-20-2013 04:39 AM
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Lightmatt Offline
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Post: #3
RE: I need feedback:D
Why make this your job? I think Youtube has enough people uploading this kind of stuff as it is, so what makes your take any different? If most of your commentary is just screaming at the screen then I wouldn't bother.

Quote:I LOVE what i'm doing,

You won't after a while. Soon you're gonna have to force the screams out to continue your scared persona, because horror games lose their luster the more you play them constantly to maintain income.

As for your commentary outside the one you linked (DMC videos specifically), it's boring, you didn't say anything about the game mechanics other than reading what is on screen, you didn't comment about the differences between this version from previous ones, who made this game, and you talk OVER THE CUT SCENES with nothing useful to add!!

Here's a sample of what you said most of the time in DMC part 1:

Quote:"This is fucking AWESOME!"
"Ahh, SHIT!"
"Ah, sick."
"I gonna die!!"

Also from I can tell you're not really good at the game.

Should start an "Number of times this post has been edited" counter.
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2013 10:33 AM by Lightmatt.)
01-20-2013 04:41 AM
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Arjahn Offline
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Post: #4
RE: I need feedback:D
Yeah I gotta agree with Lightmatt on this one, as far as people screaming at a screen go (and who in their right mind would do that) , you're about as good as they get, but it gets old after the first couple of screams.
Try being more diverse in your games, and don't just be another mindless Youtube sap screaming at videogames, we've got plenty of those. Try actually talking about the games and mechanics, or if nothing else at least your opinions or something, you need to give your viewers something other than noise pollution.
I'm not trying to be a disheartening ass hole or anything, I definitely see potential, but I think my previously stated points are valid. Good luck in the long haul, I'll be watching.
01-20-2013 10:22 AM
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Lazarus Offline
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Post: #5
RE: I need feedback:D
(01-20-2013 10:22 AM)Arjahn Wrote:  HARSH CRITICISM MODE: ENGAGED
Yeah I gotta agree with Lightmatt on this one, as far as people screaming at a screen go (and who in their right mind would do that) , you're about as good as they get, but it gets old after the first couple of screams.
Try being more diverse in your games, and don't just be another mindless Youtube sap screaming at videogames, we've got plenty of those. Try actually talking about the games and mechanics, or if nothing else at least your opinions or something, you need to give your viewers something other than noise pollution.
I'm not trying to be a disheartening ass hole or anything, I definitely see potential, but I think my previously stated points are valid. Good luck in the long haul, I'll be watching.

YeahBig Grin thanks! Im really working on being funnier(without yelling) and Im not going to JUST play scary games. If I did, I would NOT end up like Pewdiepie. All I want is to entertain peopleBig Grin What are some games that you think would be good to play?
01-20-2013 11:24 AM
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 Thanks given by: Arjahn , Lightmatt
Lightmatt Offline
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Post: #6
RE: I need feedback:D
(01-20-2013 11:24 AM)Lazarus Wrote:  What are some games that you think would be good to play?

Games you like to play and are really good at playing. A game where you can spend a whole playthrough talking about the mechanics, changes made during development, personal experiences (That are interesting enough for someone else to hear), and crack some jokes along the way. It helps to pick a game that hasn't come out within a month or so. Pick a game that you played, but most of your friends have never heard of themselves.

The point of doing a Let's play is to show the game off through your skillful gameplay and interesting commentary. To be able to say, "Here's a game I think is awesome, and I'm gonna show you just how cool it is."

Here's a prime example:(Taken from Chipcheezum's MGS3 LP)

For the sake of this example, skip to 16:00.

Read on when you're done

As you can see from playing through that one section over and over again Chip was able to show off fun ways to taking out guards, and at the same time explaining some of the game's sneaking/CQC mechanics.

To put it simply, if you want to entertain people by playing a game and talking over it you need to plan it out and put time into each of your videos. This isn't just about doing something as a job, it's about doing something that you can look back on and be proud of, or you could do whats treading and make 300K subscribers; pumping out 5 videos a day without much regard to quality control!!

Number of times this post has been edited: 4
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2013 02:05 AM by Lightmatt.)
01-20-2013 12:08 PM
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Lazarus Offline
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Post: #7
RE: I need feedback:D
It helps to pick a game that hasn't come out within a month or so. Pick a

Well, I like to to games right when they come out, that way its a fresh thing for meBig Grin
But I see what you're saying. So what about The old Spyro PS1 games, or deadrising?
01-20-2013 05:00 PM
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Lazarus Offline
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Post: #8
RE: I need feedback:D
Quote:"This is fucking AWESOME!"
"Ahh, SHIT!"
"Ah, sick."
"I gonna die!!"

I said those mostly because I was UBER-exited for that game :3 I try to be varied with my vocab. for the most part
01-21-2013 12:17 PM
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #9
RE: I need feedback:D
The jump scare stuff I dunno where to begin. So I won't

But you DmC playthrough, eh not too bad.
01-22-2013 08:47 PM
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