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Half Life 2 Trivia
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drake3011 Offline
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Half Life 2 Trivia
I Know more random trivia from video games than i know what i've done each day, but for some reason, push comes to shove to submit something im pulling up blanks, so ill go with one of my Favorites, Half Life 2 Big Grin lets start with the Borealis:

[Image: Borealis_E3_screen.jpg]

The ship seen only in parts in Half Life 2 Episode 2 and the dry dock seen in portal 2, it seems this ship has a lot more history than known to most people. Back in the day of the Half Life 2 Beta, the Borealis was one of the finished levels. Originally planned as the vessel to take the player to City 17, it was later pushed forward in the story to how Freeman gets from the city to Kraken Base, a resistance outpost headed by Helena Mossman

In Fact, the captain of the ship still made it into the final game, as Sergent Odessa

[Image: 800px-Borealis_odell_radio_mi.jpg]

Something else pulled from the game was a creature called the Crementor, A long armed strange creature that wondered the streets with an incinerator cleaning up the remnants of Firefights and combine slaughter

[Image: screenshot34.png]

They didnt hang around the game too long, but tell me, dosnt that head seem familier?

[Image: Cremator_head_jar_BME.jpg]

Its sat on the table in Eli's Lab in black mesa East, when approached, Eli will remark that "Were still not sure what it does, Alyx brings in the Strangest things..."

Speaking of Eli Vance, did you know he was originally two people? Eli Maxwell, a scrap builder who lives in a cave, and Captain Vance, Alyx's father who works undercover for the combine military. The model for the Captain is reused as a citizen in the final release

[Image: Captain_Vance_model_bust.jpg]

The last thing ill mention for now is Eli's Leg. Originally, it was planned that Eli Maxwell lost his leg under an enemy called the "Particle Storm", a line of dialogue was to be spoken of how Eli spent too long examining a strange storm anomaly, and lost his leg as a result of it. It was later redrafted to a bullsquid, but storm lives on, known as the "Sentient Cloud" as Breen near the end of the final release version mentions " gas giants, inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences". This isnt the end of it, as its mentioned Loads more in Portal 2. The pre-recorded announcer messages talk about a world under rule of an "Animal King or Sentient Cloud". In the community update focused on the Multiverse, Cave Johnson Lines mention alternative earths under rule of such a cloud (in a much more humorous fashion)


Despite being the well known Protagonist, Gorden Freeman has Never had an in game model! Unlike other valve titles there is no way for Freeman to see himself, so valve never had a reason to make him. If not for Cover Art, we wouldn't even know what he looked like...

Breen was originally planned to be the "Consul" rather than the Administrator, and it was planned that throughout the game Breen became less and less human to better serve the Combine.
[Image: Consul_transformed.jpg]

The "Fast Zombie" started life as the counterpart to another enemy, the Combine Assassin, an alien fast-moving creature that used Knifes, preformed barrel roles and used a new form of tripmine, "Hopwire Grenades"

[Image: 250px-Alien_assassin_-_idle.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2012 11:59 PM by drake3011.)
09-05-2012 07:18 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Half Life 2 Trivia
Sometimes I feel that Valve have a department whose only job is to do things like this

From - Easter Egg Dept.
To - Main Dev. Team
Subject - That boat
Hey guys, just to let you know that all the hard work you've put into that boat level is going down the drain, lol. We're making it into some obscure easter egg that only a few eagle-eyed players will see.
09-05-2012 10:16 PM
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drake3011 Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Half Life 2 Trivia
(09-05-2012 10:16 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote:  Sometimes I feel that Valve have a department whose only job is to do things like this

From - Easter Egg Dept.
To - Main Dev. Team
Subject - That boat
Hey guys, just to let you know that all the hard work you've put into that boat level is going down the drain, lol. We're making it into some obscure easter egg that only a few eagle-eyed players will see.

it seems to be more a case of just re-hashing everything they havnt used Tongue

More Trivia Coming Up Soon Tongue
09-05-2012 11:31 PM
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Jackson0 Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Half Life 2 Trivia
I read this forum it's really nice and informative i really like it i get most of useful information from it which can prove beneficial for me i was need some similar post's but i get your post on first search on Google search engine it's fulfill my need i really appreciate it and keep it up!!!!!!
12-19-2012 03:31 PM
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Liraxus Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Half Life 2 Trivia
(09-05-2012 10:16 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote:  Sometimes I feel that Valve have a department whose only job is to do things like this

From - Easter Egg Dept.
To - Main Dev. Team
Subject - That boat
Hey guys, just to let you know that all the hard work you've put into that boat level is going down the drain, lol. We're making it into some obscure easter egg that only a few eagle-eyed players will see.


In fact, the Borealis is planned to appear in Half-life 2: Episode 3/Half-Life 3, and it plays a semi-signifigcant role in Half-life 2: Episode 2, where you have to deliver data holding the sighting of the Borealis.

its much MUCH more than an easter-egg, unless you consider its easter egg in Portal 2, where you can find some Borealis life-tubes around its dry dock.

IC you don't know, the Borealis is an Aperture vessel that vanished, suggestedly by portal technology.

Who knows, Valve might even bring back this designed borealis in Episode 3.

And i'm not trying to advertise or anything, but the popular Missing Information fan-mod fixed the Borealis stage from the HL2 beta, check it out if you want to live a piece of Half-life 2 history.
12-25-2012 09:01 AM
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