Why not ey?
Ive stolen this template from another site, but im a leader there so its cool
Real Name: Damian
Location: Netherlands
Languages: Dutch, English, French and German
Age: 17
Hobbies: Games, films, music, running, cycling
Work: Game store
Anything else: Nah not really
Consoles: Pc, Wii, GC, N64, SNES, NES, DS, 3DS, Gameboy, gameboy color, GBA, PS1, PS2.
Favorite games: Quite some
Least favorite games: Also quite some!
Genre: Platformers, action/adventure, RPG
Favorite Films: Anything good
Food: Meat and such
Favorite Celeb: I hate alot of em
Vodka, Rum Or Whiskey: Whiskey
Beer: Yes please