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Games I've Never Played - Mischief Makers
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Takahashi2212 Offline
A guy with useless trivia

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Games I've Never Played - Mischief Makers
[Image: 250px-Mischief_Makers.jpg]

Based on this artwork, I would've never even touched this game. But, after figuring out this game was made by one of my favorite developers (Treasure, makers of such classics as Gunstar Heroes, Alien Solider, and Sin & Punishment.) I picked it up.
Not knowing what was in store (beyond it being a 2-D platformer) I turned on the game, and was greeted by this:

I would've turned it off right there and called it a day, but I heard so many good things I pressed on. Skipping past all the animu BS, I plunged headlong into the world of Mischief Makers.
[align=center][b]~World 1: WTF am I doing?!~
[Image: 234462-gfs_27944_2_15.jpg]
I'm greeted by the opening cutscene, where Dr. Light stand-in Dr. Theo is kidnapped (As Marina just watches by the way.) So now here is where we are introduced to the game mechanics, and as the pink ball with a creepy face that you have to five red gems describes it, Grab, Tilt & Shake.
[Image: tumblr_mfq8rs4uQe1r98fdvo1_500.jpg]
Her saying "Shake,Shake!" everytime you shake something doesn't help either.
After getting all the masturbation jokes I could make out of my system, I learn pretty quickly that I went to the shitty neighborhood.
I mean look at my house:
[Image: Myhouse_zpscfb7f4aa.png]
It's got computer, oven, a fridge in the other room. Everything you'd expect a house to have.
Their Houses:
[img][Image: TheirHouse_zps90b96855.png][/img]
I feel like a reverse Fresh Prince.
[Image: 250px-Mischief_Makers_zps167d4282.png]
(I didn't make this picture. Someone else on the internet made this connection.)
So I learn I'm on the Planet Clancer, and you'll be forgiven if you read that as cancer, I did the first time playing, and still do.

So running forward takes into Shackland, where you see some Clancinese people. My thought process: These are the people who took the professor! I've gotta take them down. So I start throwing them around, but they aren't dying. A little icon to push the L/R button appears.
[Image: Clancer_zps82a2a824.png]
Not taking anymore of this BS, I run into town, and encounter the elder, Geold, who has a fine mustache.
Talking to the elder gives me the backstory (which I like to call BS) and he tells me to use the Warp Gates all over Clancer. He gives me a Clanbomb (Really? It's like Pokemon with the naming?) and tells me to blow up the conveniently red-colored structure. This allows he to grab the Warp Star, and take me to this boat looking thing. Grabbing the star finished the level.

I got a C.

(Thanks for reading. I'm not the funniest guy , so I hope you got a good laugh out of this.)
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2013 08:36 AM by Takahashi2212.)
01-06-2013 08:35 AM
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Kai Offline

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RE: Games I've Never Played - Mischief Makers
This made me laugh
01-06-2013 03:19 PM
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Mass Distraction Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Games I've Never Played - Mischief Makers
I would buy an HD or 3DS port of this, certainly seems like an interesting game. Too bad I never owned a 64.
02-12-2013 04:48 AM
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