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The Third Degree - actionisforlosers
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Post: #120
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy
Would you rather have giant ears or a tail?

If it's prehensile, then a tail.

WHERE in the world IS Carmen Sandiego?

Honestly, who cares? She's just attention-whoring. Ignore her for a while and she'll probably turn up.

Digimon or Yugioh?

I... I dunno.

Do you, in fact, liek mudkipz?

Actually I do...not.

Who do you think is the worst moderator on this forum?

Yer mum. Hurr hurr hurr.

Tacos, Burritos or human flesh? Not as a food, as an imaginary friend.

Is the human flesh living? If so, human flesh. If not, burritos.

Worst game you've ever played?

Whichever Mario Party game it was I played. Alternatively, THE GAME OF LIFE.

Worst celebrity alive?

Tough one. I'd go for Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Also would you rather be blind or deaf?


What do you think of this song?

Not my cup of tea.

What's the deal with airline food?

First established in 1936 by United Airlines. Varies in quality. From a brief Google, it's a surprisingly interesting subject. But women can't drive and black men and white men are different.

If you HAD to cosplay, who/what would you choose?

Donkey Kong. Stark naked but for a tie.

Do you like Cajun food?

Yes, but I've not tried it often.

What is your favorite game system?

I play my Xbox 360 more than anything else, but I will always hold a special place in my heart for my SNES.

When is your birthday?


What's your favorite band(s)?

Hm, difficult one to answer really. Led Zeppelin, The Clash, and a whole bunch of 20s/30s bluesmen.
07-15-2012 11:04 PM
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 Thanks given by: Beware of Cuccos
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Messages In This Thread
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - 07-08-2012, 09:08 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - 07-08-2012, 09:18 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - 07-08-2012, 09:24 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Skarro - 07-08-2012, 09:54 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - 07-08-2012, 10:20 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - 07-08-2012, 10:23 AM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - 07-08-2012, 10:47 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Holmes - 07-08-2012, 11:52 AM
RE: The Third Degree - The Antagonist - 07-08-2012, 07:21 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Holmes - 07-09-2012, 02:22 PM
RE: The Third Degree - 666metalupyourass - 07-08-2012, 01:06 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - 07-08-2012, 01:24 PM
RE: The Third Degree - PikaPikari - 07-08-2012, 01:54 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - 07-08-2012, 01:55 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Fearless - 07-09-2012, 02:16 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Nuudoru - 07-08-2012, 07:55 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Alex - 07-08-2012, 08:51 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Skarro - 07-08-2012, 11:12 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Fearless - 07-09-2012, 02:26 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Arjahn - 07-09-2012, 12:13 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - zinja - 07-09-2012, 06:23 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Skarro - 07-09-2012, 09:02 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - zinja - 07-09-2012, 10:28 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Melirune - 07-09-2012, 02:53 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Fearless - 07-09-2012, 03:01 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Fearless - 07-10-2012, 06:54 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Fearless - Beardy - 07-09-2012, 08:24 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-10-2012, 08:27 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Beardy - 07-10-2012, 08:31 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Mr.Holmes - 07-10-2012, 08:31 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-10-2012, 08:35 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-10-2012, 09:30 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Arjahn - 07-11-2012, 01:27 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Skarro - 07-11-2012, 01:38 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-11-2012, 02:55 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Seydou - 07-11-2012, 03:14 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Melirune - 07-11-2012, 04:31 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-11-2012, 04:48 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - zinja - 07-11-2012, 05:38 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Lethal - 07-11-2012, 07:38 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-11-2012, 07:54 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Fearless - 07-11-2012, 08:08 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-11-2012, 08:15 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Mr.Katana - 07-11-2012, 09:05 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-11-2012, 09:29 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Beardy - 07-11-2012, 10:15 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-11-2012, 10:21 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Beardy - 07-11-2012, 10:23 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-11-2012, 10:26 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-11-2012, 09:16 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-12-2012, 01:19 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - damerdar - 07-12-2012, 05:01 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-12-2012, 05:50 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - damerdar - 07-12-2012, 06:44 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Beardy - 07-12-2012, 10:01 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-12-2012, 10:12 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - damerdar - 07-12-2012, 10:42 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-12-2012, 10:56 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Beardy - 07-12-2012, 11:00 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-12-2012, 11:09 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Scormac - 07-12-2012, 06:48 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Seydou - 07-12-2012, 08:59 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-12-2012, 09:30 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Beardy - 07-12-2012, 11:11 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-12-2012, 11:21 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Beardy - 07-12-2012, 11:25 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nuudoru - Nuudoru - 07-12-2012, 07:53 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - Melirune - 07-12-2012, 06:19 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - Melirune - 07-12-2012, 06:56 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - Beardy - 07-12-2012, 07:28 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - Melirune - 07-13-2012, 03:19 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - Seydou - 07-13-2012, 03:42 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - Melirune - 07-13-2012, 03:46 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - damerdar - 07-13-2012, 05:58 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - zinja - 07-13-2012, 08:13 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - Skarro - 07-13-2012, 12:17 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Melirune - Melirune - 07-13-2012, 02:26 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - cingchris - 07-14-2012, 06:16 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - retrolinkx - 07-14-2012, 09:21 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - damerdar - 07-14-2012, 11:33 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Gardocki - 07-15-2012, 07:31 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - zinja - 07-15-2012, 11:11 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Beardy - 07-15-2012, 11:17 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - cingchris - 07-15-2012, 05:01 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Skarro - 07-15-2012, 12:32 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Beardy - 07-15-2012, 12:37 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Arjahn - 07-15-2012, 04:59 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Nuudoru - 07-15-2012, 06:47 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Beardy - 07-15-2012 11:04 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Arjahn - 07-16-2012, 02:49 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Seydou - 07-16-2012, 04:32 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Beardy - 07-16-2012, 05:25 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Beardy - 07-16-2012, 06:18 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Beardy - 07-17-2012, 09:53 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - Arjahn - 07-17-2012, 10:19 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Beardy - 07-17-2012, 10:24 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Nuudoru - 07-16-2012, 06:52 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-17-2012, 03:35 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-17-2012, 10:26 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Beardy - 07-17-2012, 10:38 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-17-2012, 10:41 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Beardy - 07-17-2012, 10:49 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-17-2012, 10:50 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - zinja - 07-17-2012, 12:04 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-17-2012, 12:08 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Skarro - 07-18-2012, 12:21 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - damerdar - 07-18-2012, 01:03 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-18-2012, 02:20 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - damerdar - 07-18-2012, 02:34 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-18-2012, 02:36 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Seydou - 07-18-2012, 07:44 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-18-2012, 07:47 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - retrolinkx - 07-18-2012, 08:36 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-18-2012, 08:39 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Arjahn - Arjahn - 07-18-2012, 06:21 PM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - CFMM - 07-18-2012, 08:00 PM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - Nuudoru - 07-18-2012, 10:02 PM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - damerdar - 07-18-2012, 11:03 PM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - Arjahn - 07-19-2012, 05:28 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - zinja - 07-19-2012, 06:37 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - CFMM - 07-19-2012, 06:55 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - Beardy - 07-19-2012, 08:26 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - damerdar - 07-19-2012, 08:37 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - CFMM - 07-19-2012, 08:45 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - Beardy - 07-19-2012, 08:56 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - CFMM - 07-19-2012, 09:01 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - Beardy - 07-19-2012, 09:13 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - Nuudoru - 07-19-2012, 09:09 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - CFMM - 07-19-2012, 10:05 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - Arjahn - 07-20-2012, 02:56 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - Seydou - 07-20-2012, 04:01 AM
RE: The Third Degree - CFMM - CFMM - 07-20-2012, 07:57 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Seydou - 07-21-2012, 12:36 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Arjahn - 07-21-2012, 06:12 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Beardy - 07-21-2012, 11:23 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - zinja - 07-21-2012, 11:50 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Arjahn - 07-21-2012, 04:19 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Lethal - 07-22-2012, 07:31 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Arjahn - 07-23-2012, 01:00 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Seydou - 07-23-2012, 07:46 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Beardy - 07-23-2012, 09:02 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Arjahn - 07-23-2012, 10:08 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Katana - Lethal - 07-23-2012, 06:52 PM
RE: The Third Degree - SERIOUSLY THOUGH - Beardy - 07-26-2012, 12:59 AM
RE: The Third Degree - SERIOUSLY THOUGH - Beardy - 07-26-2012, 04:37 AM
RE: The Third Degree - SERIOUSLY THOUGH - Beardy - 07-26-2012, 05:15 AM
RE: The Third Degree - retrolinkx - zinja - 07-29-2012, 11:54 AM
RE: The Third Degree - zinja - damerdar - 08-03-2012, 06:45 AM
RE: The Third Degree - zinja - zinja - 08-03-2012, 07:27 AM
RE: The Third Degree - zinja - zinja - 08-03-2012, 08:52 AM
RE: The Third Degree - zinja - Gardocki - 08-03-2012, 08:46 AM
RE: The Third Degree - zinja - zinja - 08-05-2012, 03:18 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Mr.Holmes - Beardy - 08-06-2012, 09:59 AM
RE: The Third Degree - PikaPikari - zinja - 08-07-2012, 11:28 AM
RE: The Third Degree - PikaPikari - Beardy - 08-08-2012, 10:27 AM
RE: The Third Degree - PikaPikari - Beardy - 08-08-2012, 11:59 AM
RE: The Third Degree - PikaPikari - Beardy - 08-08-2012, 12:21 PM
RE: The Third Degree - PikaPikari - Beardy - 08-08-2012, 12:51 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Skarro - Beardy - 08-09-2012, 07:34 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Skarro - Nicknclank - 08-10-2012, 04:16 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Skarro - 08-14-2012, 10:43 AM
RE: The Third Degree - zinja - 08-14-2012, 11:04 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Skarro - 08-15-2012, 12:04 AM
RE: The Third Degree - The Antagonist - 08-14-2012, 05:40 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Seydou - 08-15-2012, 01:35 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Skarro - 08-15-2012, 07:40 AM
RE: The Third Degree - agentkuo - 08-15-2012, 10:59 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Hexadecimal - 08-16-2012, 06:07 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Gardocki - Gardocki - 08-16-2012, 08:04 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Gardocki - Gardocki - 08-16-2012, 09:49 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Gardocki - zinja - 08-16-2012, 10:17 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Gardocki - Gardocki - 08-16-2012, 11:01 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Gardocki - Gardocki - 08-17-2012, 10:22 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Gardocki - Gardocki - 08-17-2012, 02:38 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Nicknclank - zinja - 08-19-2012, 07:35 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Nicknclank - Chunks - 08-21-2012, 04:30 AM
RE: The Third Degree - cingchris - Seydou - 08-23-2012, 03:41 AM
RE: The Third Degree - cingchris - Chunks - 08-23-2012, 10:03 AM
RE: The Third Degree - cingchris - zinja - 08-23-2012, 04:35 AM
RE: The Third Degree - cingchris - zinja - 08-23-2012, 02:35 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Chunks - cingchris - 08-27-2012, 08:55 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Chunks - Chunks - 08-27-2012, 04:22 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Chunks - Chunks - 08-30-2012, 12:55 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Chunks - Berry - 08-28-2012, 08:21 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Chunks - megav365 - 08-29-2012, 12:56 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Hexadecimal - Berry - 08-30-2012, 12:35 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Hexadecimal - Berry - 08-30-2012, 01:37 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Hexadecimal - zinja - 08-31-2012, 02:09 AM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - Berry - 09-02-2012, 12:59 PM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - megav365 - 09-03-2012, 09:27 AM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - Skarro - 09-03-2012, 11:29 PM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - megav365 - 09-04-2012, 02:19 AM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - zinja - 09-04-2012, 03:48 AM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - megav365 - 09-04-2012, 04:58 AM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - megav365 - 09-04-2012, 05:20 AM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - megav365 - 09-04-2012, 07:28 AM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - Berry - 09-04-2012, 06:54 AM
RE: The Third Degree - megav365 - megav365 - 09-05-2012, 07:53 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Berry - Skarro - 09-05-2012, 10:06 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Berry - megav365 - 09-06-2012, 02:55 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Berry - Berry - 09-06-2012, 04:56 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Berry - Berry - 09-06-2012, 06:50 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Xannidel - Xannidel - 09-10-2012, 09:50 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Xannidel - Xannidel - 09-10-2012, 11:36 PM
RE: The Third Degree - Xannidel - zinja - 09-11-2012, 07:02 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Xannidel - Xannidel - 09-11-2012, 07:07 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Xannidel - Xannidel - 09-15-2012, 11:04 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Xannidel - Berry - 09-15-2012, 11:24 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Xannidel - Xannidel - 09-15-2012, 11:45 AM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - damerdar - 09-15-2012, 11:30 PM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - Berry - 09-15-2012, 11:52 PM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - damerdar - 09-16-2012, 06:17 AM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - zinja - 09-16-2012, 09:24 AM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - damerdar - 09-16-2012, 12:37 PM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - damerdar - 09-17-2012, 06:06 AM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - damerdar - 09-18-2012, 10:21 AM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - Arjahn - 09-18-2012, 10:18 PM
RE: The Third Degree - damerdar - damerdar - 09-19-2012, 02:17 AM
RE: The Third Degree - Lethal - Snake3324 - 10-03-2012, 12:29 AM

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