(07-02-2012 09:42 PM)Xannidel Wrote: The main character from the very first game you ever played.
It was either William "B.J." Blazkowicz or the Doom Soldier (yes I was like 4 or 5 and was playing Doom and Wolfenstein 3D)
The last character (any character, NPCs included) that spoke at the end of the most recent game you finished/completed.
I think Sly Cooper was the last person to speak in Sly Cooper 2 (I recently beat Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City so I guess the voice actor for Vector)
The character you chose when you last played a multi-player game. (MMO not included)
Roy from SSBM
The main character from the game you last got DLC for. If you have never got DLC before, the last game you downloaded (Smart phones and Tablets included.)
Cole MacGrath (Infamous 2 Festival of Blood)
Kind of like my odds on this adventure.
That is a nifty team you got there.