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End a Lighhearted sentence with...
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Mass Distraction Offline
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RE: End a Lighhearted sentence with...
I was at the water park having the time of my life with my friend and his family. It was a sweet summer day and we had no worries in the world. Suddenly, we hear commotion and when we go to look what's going on we see his grandmother stuck by her foot in a pool that was just being filled. They couldn't stop the water flow. The park's guard came up and as the water level was rising, he made his decision and shot grandmother right between her eyeballs.

"and there can be no doubt: He'll stretch their skin until it snaps, and all the blood drains out."

Btw. I laughed louder than I should have at psychospacecow and Arjahn's entries.
03-02-2013 08:33 PM
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 Thanks given by: Arjahn , Psychospacecow
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RE: End a Lighhearted sentence with... - Mass Distraction - 03-02-2013 08:33 PM

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