The Rookie.
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RE: Reviews. Do you trust them?
No, I've stopped caring for Gaming Reviews for a long time. First off, money does a lot to effect the score, paid reviewers are everywhere, but there is a common trend of games, mostly from Microsoft and E.A, with Halo 4's IGN review (fucking 9.8 "best halo game ever"), and Dead Space 3 (9.75) and I've just noticed that it's now an all money based system, because if you don't give money to them sometimes, they may tell everyone the game is terrible, and not review it properly, out of spite.
Reviews have stopped becoming trustworthy, and because of this, my experience is all I go on, and from what I've seen and read. I could tell Halo 4 was going to be bad from a mile off, once I saw the first bit of Gameplay, and the months leading up, I knew it would be bad, and it was, yet IGN called it DA BEST GAME EVER 9.8/10. Reviews, and by extension Gaming Journalism is a joke.
02-10-2013 03:33 AM |