(02-01-2013 10:27 AM)Bey-Heart Wrote: I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I'm not going through facts and posts to find out. I'm pretty sure it hasn't yet.
Remember how the intro sequence on the title screen of Super Mario Bros. 3 shows Mario and Luigi on a stage with curtains and a backdrop? Well that's because the game isn't real, none of it actually happened. Similar to how Super Mario Bros. 2 is all a dream, Super Mario Bros. 3 is on a stage. This is supported by the fact that the end of each level is a black backdrop, and Mario's shadow even appears on the sky!
It was posted on the website ages ago, search the site before submitting
EDIT: Holy shit, I found the wrong image and didn't even read the text. My humblest apologies, but I do know that it has been submitted before...