Purple Puppy Plumbs Inc.
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RE: The Wishing Game
Your wish has been granted. However, little did you know, your newfound power would cause people to grow hair all over their body, much like a Sasquatch. Because of this discovery, you go mad with power, sasquatching every person in sight, causing them to go insane because they are caused to believe that they have been dehumanized for a purpose. The thousands that you have turned into hairy monsters will begin to act like animals, buffing their physical appearance. Eventually, they breed and form millions of Sasquatch babies. They will band together and proceed to wipe out the entire human population, unable to be stopped with their new strength. They shall find you as the last human being and then crucify you to institute a new era of being, bringing back humanity into the Paleozoic era.
I wish I would recover from that wishbone incident and find a better home.
01-14-2013 10:13 AM |