(11-16-2012 10:16 AM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: 60% of the GOTY nominees shouldn't of been nominated
ACIII and Dishonored are fine. Should've had Halo 4 and Borderlands 2.
Of course, the best games this year don't even get nominated. AND that's why I don't care for the awards part of the VGA's.
Not played Halo 4 but from what I've heard, they've done an amazing job. At first it's all "oh they're milking the series" but it's apparently a welcome entry. Borderlands 2 should be nominated because they stepped the game up in everyway. They did what sequels are meant to do.
Not played (and completed) AC: III or Dishonored but the list seems true to what I said before about certain obvious games appearing. I'd easily put Tekken Tag 2 for (my personal) Game of the Year, but with other games like Journey, FFXIII-2, Awesomenauts, Darksiders 2, RE6, Lollipop Chainsaw, Sleeping Dogs, The Witcher 2 even Pokemon Black 2 and SOOOO many others which deserve a mention. Eh. Award ceremonies in general for films and music are just as bad.