(11-06-2012 02:28 AM)Artwark Wrote: from what I can tell i think its like comparing the title into consoles
Sony = Graphics
Microsoft = Graphics
Nintendo = Story + Graphics + Gameplay
I know this looks stupid but everytime I see Sony or Xbox games, they show strong graphics but horrible gameplay experience. Playing with Nintendo in my opinion, I guarantee that any game you get for Nintendo, its sure to be fun
Yes but. What you say about Sony and Microsoft is completely untrue and well, pretty uneducated. The Wii most definitely doesn't have the best graphics; and by best graphics I mean, graphical display capabilities. Madworld, No More Heroes, Okami, Muramasa have amazing graphics but are butchered by the Wii's horrid graphical limitations.
A perfect example below (Of games with amazing graphics, story and gameplay).
Another example of how the Wii butchers games:
Zelda on a Dolphin Emulator (Watch the video in fullscreen on 1080p)
The comment about Sony and Microsoft though. Exclusives like Uncharted are heavily focused on the story whereas Gears has a stronger emphasis on gameplay. However the graphics and story/gameplay are also top notch. Not to mentioned games like Mass Effect, Alice: Madness, Catherine, Journey, Splosion Man, Portal pretty much the entire fighting game genre(to name a SMALL amount) are games only found on Xbox and Playstation. Meanwhile the Wii is given Imagine Babies and Cheggers party quiz.
To even say Microsoft and Sony are graphic is laughable. Games like Deadly Premontion could run on the Wii with the graphics of that game but the story is incredible (Xbox and PS3 only).
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2012 06:05 AM by BumblebeeCody.)