(08-29-2012 09:13 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: Haha, that's pretty old I guess we've all seen it.
All I hope is that there are some actual gamers working on it and not the "LOL SKYRIM IS DA BEST GME EVR, AROW 2 DA NEE XD" working on it.
It seems good though.
I'm not going to watch it in the cinema though.
I must be the only one to see it for the first time in the last few days. I hardly go to the movies (once, maybe twice, a year. sometimes not at all) and I don't currently watch a lot of tv since i'm living in my parents guest room right now. But my friend took me to see Paranorman last friday, and the second the trailer started she said "oh my god Chelsea this is for you. watch." and I just got so excited.
And yes, I agree some gamers better be working on it. Real gamers.