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Asia's (lack of) originality amuses me.
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Asia's (lack of) originality amuses me.
OK, I'll side with "it's a complete rip-off" then. So, if we clearly acknowledge that it's a clearly a rip-off in every area, why is that bad? If they are directly taking everything from TF2 with a few cosmetic differences and maps then what's all the fuss about? They are giving you EVERYTHING that TF2 brought to the table such as: all the mechnics that work, all the classes all and everything else. But for some reason that's bad...? There's no "copyright" law stating that ONLY VALVE are allowed to make trailers which introduces their classes, so no, Valve can't sue.
Artic Combat IS CounterStrike but that's bad? You can't satisfy gamers at all these days. Even if a company makes a game (like I said before with Remember Me) it gets compared to other games and called a rip-off. (I don't get it)
(This post was last modified: 08-28-2012 11:17 PM by BumblebeeCody.)
08-28-2012 11:15 PM
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RE: Asia's (lack of) originality amuses me. - BumblebeeCody - 08-28-2012 11:15 PM

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