The Strategist
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For the past couple of years, I have been taking sailing classes when I go to California for the month.
I always like sailing on sail-boats. Just standing on a boat, on the sea, without a small hint of stress... it's really relaxing.
Well, actually, no, there's still the stress of tipping over and having your boat turtled (upside down). But you know, frek' it. I just take my I-Pod and forget about it ^_^
Anyway, sailing a boat isn't that hard! You only need to do three things when turning the boat, and when you're steering it (controlling it), you just need to hold a stick (tiller) and make sure it doesn't go on the beach or some rocks!
I remembered when my instructor asked me how can I be good at steering and all when I only come for 2 weeks (a sailing session is 2 weeks, or more precisely, 8 days) each year. I didn't have the hearts to tell him that I was just naturally good at videogames and that it helped doing stuff like that. Last time I said that to my driving teacher, she got scared that I would hit a pedestrian for fun.
Anyway, have you guys ever sailed too?
08-10-2012 03:25 PM |