I believe people know the point I've given towards Women in things like Games and Real Life but I want to get something straight.
I believe women are equal to men in a lot of things, but men can do things women can do better, and vise versa, regardless, if both sides want to be treated equally, both sides have to agree on treating the other equally.
I've seen how both sides have acted to the other, and I'm not the kind of guy that says "hurr woymn should b in kitchun mkn sandwedge" I believe that many women should stop complaining that they are being oppressed by this "dominant" male society, when they're not.
There are many things that women get away with because of the fact they're women, and they use this to their advantage, such as asking for free games on Steam and such.
I may not be a good arguer, or have many facts to back this up, but I have seen it myself, and know people who were stupid enough to do this.
But I just believe that women need to stop thinking they're being the oppressed ones and men are pigs etc, none of this happens anymore, and if it does, there are laws to stop this, so no one tries to do this anymore, and if they do, they go to the courts, and then jail, so they don't do it again.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone in this post, but I think that everyone's opinion is valid.
(08-05-2012 09:51 AM)Beardy Wrote: Much love to retrolinkx for coming up with the same idea but being a lot more polite about it than I ever could be in the unpopular opinions thread.
No problem, I think it's good to share the hate, so in term people can have reasons to hate and not just because they don't like you.