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RE: New directions for existing IPs.
(08-01-2012 07:58 AM)Ouberry_13 Wrote: I'd love to see Rare make a true Banjo-Kazooie 3. Or a Conker's Bad Fur Day 2. Or a good Star Fox game. Or hell, make a new DK Country 64. Remake it, make a sequel to it, I don't care. It was awesome.
I'm with everyone else on the "We need Rare games not Skittles-the-shittin'-tiger" but I highly doubt that will EVER happen. Not saying that the current team at Rare are bad. You look at their games now and they have that Rare polish but honestly, we're never going to get that DK Country remake. The old team has split up since then to form companies like Free Radical (Timesplitters), SEGA, Ubisoft an others. I would think we might see an actual Banjo Threeie or Conkers Bad Fur Day but even then that seems like a longshot. We keep the classics of Rare in our minds.
And if they do bring them (Banjo and Conker) back, they need to be FPS military shooter, with screens turning red when you're on low health, generic guns and generic war storyline.
08-01-2012 09:31 AM |