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Pokemon Game Ideas
Basically, just tell us if you have any ideas for a Pokemon game.
I've played PokéPark Wii, and personally, I thought it could have been much better. I saw the most potential in the battling games. They were kind of short and repetitive, like the game, but if expanded upon, you could make a whole game out of them. Basically, meld the fighting of it more to the nonspinoffs, as in 4 changeable moves, HP, and levels. It would be a spectacular game that I think could capture the escense of Pokémon itself. The rush of battle, thrill of evolution, the power of grinding, all melted together in a way that not only challenges your ability to select moves, but when, where, and how. A midair Hyper Beam could be very different from a grounded one.
I'd also like to see Hey! You Pikachu rebooted and done better.
07-26-2012 08:36 AM |