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Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
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Dazz Offline
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Post: #1
Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)

3 Day countdown site appears on Namco-Bandai, who are working on the new Smash Bros. - it also is pretty obvious it's Smash Bros.

07-03-2012 01:16 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
As long as Jigglypuff is still a playable character, I'm good.
07-03-2012 01:19 AM
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Dazz Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
Well so far, the images shown seem to be in, simplified fashion;

No idea what that thing is
2nd No idea what that thing is.
07-03-2012 01:20 AM
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DHXIII Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
I'm not too sure about Namco Bandai, I mean I'm sure they will do a good job. But, there is a chance they will screw it up since there is usually at least one black sheep in every series and this is practically setting it up to be the black sheep.

However, I will give them a chance due to their efforts in Tekken 5 Big Grin
07-03-2012 01:21 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
Is this gonna be out on the 3DS as well? I don't think I'll be getting a Wii U. Just wondering if I'll be missing out on a load of content if they're going for that "let your 3DS talk to your Wii U to unlock more stuff" kind of deals.
07-03-2012 01:24 AM
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MrHermes Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
One Year later, i see this..... =D

[Image: SSB-Universe.jpg]
07-03-2012 01:25 AM
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Dazz Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
DHXIII, I would agree, but Namco Bandai have had strong experience in this field, and while it is being developed by Namco Bandai, it is still under the control of previous directors and staff. It isn't as though Namco Bandai's board of directors and such have full control over everything. They are just providing a lot of the backbone to the operation.

The new SSB is being released on Wii U and 3DS, with integration into each other. However, my thoughts on the 3DS are pretty uh... Well, that's for a different discussion. I imagine there will just be connectivity in some fashion rather than you must have both to get everything. Because that's a Capcom move.
07-03-2012 01:26 AM
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DHXIII Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
@Dazz: Yeah, I agree and that's why I will not shoot them down until I have actually played the game.
I am hoping that they steer clear from adding Namco characters such as Pacman as I have no desire to play as them. I also get the feeling that critics will be extremely critical of this game due to Namco Bandai contributing.

As long as the game has as much improvements as Brawl had over Melee the game should be fine. None-the less I am still pretty excited; It's always cool to see the new character rosters.
07-03-2012 01:31 AM
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BumblebeeCody Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
No tripping please
07-03-2012 02:08 AM
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Raven Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
Hmm, I was a little skeptical after I heard Namco Bandai was working on this game, but since they do have some good fighters under their belt, I'm definitely willing to give this game a try. I hoping that the game isn't all about the multi-player mode which seems to be all the rage now. I know that multi-player is the huge draw to the series, but I honestly enjoyed Brawl's single-player storyline and I hope something similar will be in the new game. I also hope they up the CPU difficulty.
07-03-2012 05:14 AM
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DHXIII Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
This was posted by Smash Bros. Universe studio head 'Masahiro Sakurai': [Image: smash72.jpg]
07-03-2012 05:43 AM
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Nuudoru Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
I want the Smash Bros Dojo to come back. It was a blast to wait for the daily update at the other forum I browse. Everyone was posting "JAPAN TIME" everywhere and when the update happen it was all you could read about for the first 3-4 pages.
07-03-2012 05:48 AM
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DHXIII Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
Oh yeah! I loved that too. Waiting for more of the character roster to appear was always so awesome!
07-03-2012 05:54 AM
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retrolinkx Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
07-03-2012 06:28 AM
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DHXIII Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending)
(07-03-2012 06:28 AM)retrolinkx Wrote:  
I'm assuming this is from a reliable source?

Because I have another
07-03-2012 06:37 AM
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