Heh, for the past few days I've been having decent dreams, that I eventually forget, but regardless, I never noticed a dream thread on these boards.
Anyhow, just talk about dreams you've had that you can remember, since we only seem to remember dreams for 15 minutes after we wake up.
I'll tell some of mine later, since it's long and I don't really want to do a long post right now.
I think I already posted about my trippy Ken Jong as the Mad Hatter in beach ball WoW, also on an unrelated note every time I see your avatar I think it's a Dratini.
I tend to remember the vast majority of my dreams.
As for content, I often dream about things that are currently happening in my life and in the world. Haven't had a DYKG dream yet though
I once dreamt that I was in a dream and the only way to get out was to throw a ball against a wall. So I threw it with full force at the wall and it bounced back, and right before it hit my face I woke up.
I don't usually remember my dreams all too well. But usually it's just some crazy fantasy being created by my messed up subconscious.
I can't usually remember much in the way of specifics, but I have been having extremely vivid dreams. I think a medication I'm on (probably Seroquel) makes them extremely deep and engrossing.
I've had dreams where I've accidentally killed someone before. I've woken up feeling really worried and guilty.
...Because it wasn't a dream
(07-28-2012 09:52 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: [ -> ]^
...Because it wasn't a dream
Damn, I'm surprised to see you posting... I had a nap and thought I had
taken care of you.
I remember some of my dreams. Some have a big impact on me during that day. Meh
I constantly have dreams about forgetting to do my homework/projects for school. I hate having those dreams.
I hate dreaming I wake up and go to college, because then I have to wake up and go to college again.
I also had this awesome dream about giant alien robot squids invading the world.
(07-28-2012 01:03 PM)zspartancats Wrote: [ -> ]I constantly have dreams about forgetting to do my homework/projects for school. I hate having those dreams.
First world probleeeeems
I have a reoccurring dream that my mom shouts my name. It's absolute darkness, and then my name. I always wake up immediately and listen for her to tell me more. It usually takes a few minutes to realize it's 3 a.m. and it was all a dream.
The last dream I had was amazing. I was hanging out with my crush. NO! EMOTIONS! GET BACK IN YOUR BOX!