Hey there, my name is Vittorio, I'm 22 and from Italy. I've been browsing this site for a while and really enjoying the trivia on it, then I realized there's a forum too - seems like a pretty cool little gaming community here

You'll see me around surely!
Hello, And Welcome ^_^
Nice to have you on board.
I've always wanted to go to Italy.
Is it just me, or do we have a lot of italians at this board?
(07-01-2012 06:21 PM)Nuudoru Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome!
Is it just me, or do we have a lot of italians at this board?
I was thinking the same thing.
Maybe the more we have, the more comfortable they'll be.
(07-01-2012 06:21 PM)Nuudoru Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome!
Is it just me, or do we have a lot of italians at this board?
Is it me, or do we have a lot of adults here?
Anyyyyyway, hello Vitorrio, hope you have a grand old time here in this forum ^_^
Thanks for all the welcoming