I browsed reddit before, but now I just keep refreshing my user CP page until a thread is updated.
(06-29-2012 11:07 AM)damerdar Wrote: [ -> ]I just keep refreshing my user CP page until a thread is updated.
Sleep, or do exactly that.
Come on this forum and waste time talking about ghost taco frogs. Look it up.
I go to 4chan, tumblr, facebook, youtube and Did You Know Gaming. IRC is a pretty good time-waster as well.
League of Legends, or iPod games.
Hear music,play some soccer games(fast to play) and made
some sketchs.
Browse the internet or Photoshop... Or a combination of both. I've already spent the whole day refreshing this forum as the weather is dire in Scotland.
Play games, watch twitch streams, browse Iambored.com, take the occasional trip to the moon
(Or draw sometimes... and read too.)
Facebook, twitter, Youtube videos, and pinterest are what I do most of the time when I'm bored. Pinterest is probably the number one thing I do actually ^^;
Videogames, /v/, or just browse internet.
Usually the latter.
(07-02-2012 03:58 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: [ -> ]Videogames, /v/, or just browse internet.
Usually the latter.
Somehow I'm not surprised you browse /v/.
I play some short and simple games, like Tetris on my phone, Mighty Switch Force on 3DS or Spelunky on PC.
I listen to music, read, play videogames or just chat with some friends.
I like to dive into the deepest levels of Tartarus and beat the shit out of everything down there. Then, I go to Heaven and get drunk with the angels. Then I come back home to this plane of existence and take a nap. And that's just my Saturday nights. You don't wanna know what Wednesday nights are.
But honestly, I just watch random videos, play games, or browse whichever -chan comes into my mind at the moment, usually 4chan.