so yeah i forgot to do the whole introducing thing so yeah sup im 18, im a student im from ireland and i love playing games to relax and just have fun but im also really competitive in them hah
well i see where you coming from and i rebuttle with
im awesome
You're not even half as awesome as me. Come back when you achieve the awesomeness of ten men, seven women, and thirteen children, and then you shall rival me.
well i see where you coming from and i rebuttle with
im awesome
You're not even half as awesome as me. Come back when you achieve the awesomeness of ten men, seven women, and thirteen children, and then you shall rival me.
i am a nerdfighter man i am made of pure awesome bow down to my godly awesome powers of awesometude and revel in my all powerful glory
(03-14-2013 09:41 AM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome! If you see a zombie roaming around, let me know. These things keep getting out somehow...
I'm the one letting them out. Zombies are people too! No more cages!
Zombies are dead people. They were once people. Now they're just brain eating maniacs.
Well, maybe so. But with proper training, you can get them on a brain substitute diet. Then, they'll never attack innocent people. Trust me, I'm a necromancer.