We all love to eat! Why not share your favorite foods of all time?
What do you like to chow on during video games? Movies? Reading? Or those devilish wake-up-at-midnight snacks?
Think you're a master of taste? Reveal to us your advanced taste!
As for me...
I absolutely love Funyuns and Grape Soda when I'm capping those conquest flags in Battlefield 3!
I don't know who this is, but he knows all about what I mean.
(06-27-2012 08:12 PM)Beardy Wrote: [ -> ]JELLIED EELS.
Haha! Weird!
MEAT! I love meat
(06-27-2012 09:17 PM)Scormac Wrote: [ -> ]MEAT! I love meat
I actually just had a bunch of carving board ham!
if we are talking actual meals favourite food is definitely Lasagne, its cheese meat and pasta whats not to love. Snack wise its all about biscuits, i love biscuits.
Nacho Cheese Doritos and Cottage Cheese for the most hardcore gaming sessions.
Andy Capp's Hot Fries, hot wings, and there is a dish from a tex-mex restaraunt Chuy's called Elvis Fried Chicken where its chicken fried in Lay's potato chips covered in their Boom-Boom sauce and an egg. It's amazing.
Man, life is all about food!
Lasagne is really something! But nothing will ever beat pizza!
Pepperoni <3
Children... so many delicious children....
And Calsones, they really exterminate the italian cuisine culture.
Junkfood. If it's unhealthy and likely to kill me if eaten on a regular basis I will probably love it. My body hates me more than anything at this earth.
Grape soda is amazing while gaming, and I have no clue why.. haha
(06-28-2012 04:40 AM)Chomp Wrote: [ -> ]Andy Capp's Hot Fries, hot wings, and there is a dish from a tex-mex restaraunt Chuy's called Elvis Fried Chicken where its chicken fried in Lay's potato chips covered in their Boom-Boom sauce and an egg. It's amazing.
That is too much awesome for one post!
(06-28-2012 06:28 AM)Evodahis Wrote: [ -> ]Grape soda is amazing while gaming, and I have no clue why.. haha
I know exactly what you mean! Gaming enhances the purply essence and sends the taste buds on an unforgettable ride.