06-27-2012, 08:18 AM
I hope this is the right thread.
I'm trying to figure out an easy way to do this. Maybe you guys have done it?
I want to be able to stream my blu ray discs from my desktop to my Xbox 360. I know this can be done by ripping the discs to a supported format but that isn't what I want to do. I was thinking this could be possible in a program like VLC but I think it only supports streaming files and not discs.
I was also wondering if there is any way to stream Ultraviolet Digital Copies to Xbox 360. I read that there was just recently a way to do it since Paramount realeased an app for it but apparently it does not support files you already own. Has anyone tried it? If that doesn't work then is there a way to stream them from say Flixster on your computer to your Xbox?
Sometimes I miss my PS3..lol.. If anyone knows a way to work either method that would be appreciated. Thanks!
I'm trying to figure out an easy way to do this. Maybe you guys have done it?
I want to be able to stream my blu ray discs from my desktop to my Xbox 360. I know this can be done by ripping the discs to a supported format but that isn't what I want to do. I was thinking this could be possible in a program like VLC but I think it only supports streaming files and not discs.
I was also wondering if there is any way to stream Ultraviolet Digital Copies to Xbox 360. I read that there was just recently a way to do it since Paramount realeased an app for it but apparently it does not support files you already own. Has anyone tried it? If that doesn't work then is there a way to stream them from say Flixster on your computer to your Xbox?
Sometimes I miss my PS3..lol.. If anyone knows a way to work either method that would be appreciated. Thanks!