I felt this question finally needed to be asked because this topic has never been brought up yet. So if you do shout it out so we can talk about it and all the fun times it can give, and if you don't please give your reasons as to why you don't.
Just please no one go on a big speech about how terrible weed is and how terrible weed smokers are for doing it, basically I'm asking you be reasonable in your arguments and talk about it instead of yelling at us for smoking weed, because yelling never gets us anywhere good.
Edit: Also the poll is anonymous.
Oh hey I never saw that thread now I have something to read and maybe post on.
(10-27-2012 11:31 AM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: [ -> ]I've already made my opinions clear in this thread -
Awww it's one of my earlier posts...Ain't that cute..
Never smoked weed, never want to smoke weed, too many people trying to pressure me into it which pushed me further away from wanting to smoke it and it just is...a bad topic for me.
Alright, I see your reasoning Xannidel and that's cool.
Also SERIOUSLY I agree with what you said in the other thread about all the psychological effects it can have, and that if you do it too much you can become dependent. All I have to say is that all that can be avoided as long as you don't abuse it, I mean there's a reason I only light up maybe once every couple of weeks. But yeah if you don't have the self discipline to regulate yourself you shouldn't start.
Ugh, do we really need a weed thread? No one cares if you do or don't smoke it.
(10-27-2012 12:20 PM)Ouberry_13 Wrote: [ -> ]Ugh, do we really need a weed thread? No one cares if you do or don't smoke it.
Obviously I do 'cause I asked the question, I mean if everyone just hates on the thread I'll delete it but, like I stated before I just felt it needed to be asked.
Why do you think it needed to be asked? Really, why? It's like asking who drinks beer or who doesn't. It's pointless.
(10-27-2012 12:39 PM)Ouberry_13 Wrote: [ -> ]Why do you think it needed to be asked? Really, why? It's like asking who drinks beer or who doesn't. It's pointless.
If you don't have anything constructive to add, Ouberry, please refrain from posting in this thread.
I think that subjects like this are perfect for responsible debate. Saying "why would you post something like this" amounts to asking me why I made pancakes this morning.
Cingchris is well within his rights to post a thread about something he thinks warrants discussion and you should respect that.
I don't. Never want to.
My "mom" does it (it's in quotations because it's a long story that I'm not getting into) and it annoys me. She has even done it around me multiple times and I've even gotten contact high.
I think all drugs are bad. Anything. They're the root of all evil (ok, maybe not that extreme, but they do cause a lot of crimes).
(10-27-2012 12:44 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: [ -> ]I don't. Never want to.
My "mom" does it (it's in quotations because it's a long story that I'm not getting into) and it annoys me. She has even done it around me multiple times and I've even gotten contact high.
I think all drugs are bad. Anything. They're the root of all evil (ok, maybe not that extreme, but they do cause a lot of crimes).
Dude have you ever talked to your mom about not doing it around you, 'cause if you're that opposed to it and you haven't said anything to her, you probably should. I mean if I knew you in real life and I knew you didn't want any part in it, I would at least leave the room and go do it somewhere else, but at the same time I'm not sure how understanding of a person she is.
(10-27-2012 12:44 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: [ -> ] (10-27-2012 12:39 PM)Ouberry_13 Wrote: [ -> ]Why do you think it needed to be asked? Really, why? It's like asking who drinks beer or who doesn't. It's pointless.
If you don't have anything constructive to add, Ouberry, please refrain from posting in this thread.
I think that subjects like this are perfect for responsible debate. Saying "why would you post something like this" amounts to asking me why I made pancakes this morning.
Cingchris is well within his rights to post a thread about something he thinks warrants discussion and you should respect that.
I'm sorry if it comes off as rude, but I just dislike any discussion about drugs. I don't even understand why anyone would do any drug. The momentary high isn't worth it, and you run the risk of dependency and addiction, not to mention any other mental/physical side effects.
Okay, just because you dislike discussions does not mean everyone else does too. If you do not like talking/discussing about a certain topic then by all means ignore the topic and check out a different thread. Sorry if I came off a tad rude there but /shrug.
Also thank you for your input, that wasn't so bad now was it

(10-27-2012 01:10 PM)Ouberry_13 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sorry if it comes off as rude, but I just dislike any discussion about drugs. I don't even understand why anyone would do any drug. The momentary high isn't worth it, and you run the risk of dependency and addiction, not to mention any other mental/physical side effects.
That I can try to elaborate on so you can better understand why people start doing drugs, really it's because they are either trying to escape reality because their life just isn't going well and they don't want to deal with it, (that's actually why I originally got super into video games, that is my way of escaping reality) or they are just bored with their current ways to entertain themselves and find something new to do. (and that's how I got into weed, now before you go assuming that I need to be on drugs to have fun that's not true, although I am defiantly having a ton more fun if I am high than if I'm not, but I don't need it to have fun.)
(10-27-2012 01:03 PM)cingchris Wrote: [ -> ] (10-27-2012 12:44 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: [ -> ]I don't. Never want to.
My "mom" does it (it's in quotations because it's a long story that I'm not getting into) and it annoys me. She has even done it around me multiple times and I've even gotten contact high.
I think all drugs are bad. Anything. They're the root of all evil (ok, maybe not that extreme, but they do cause a lot of crimes).
Dude have you ever talked to your mom about not doing it around you, 'cause if you're that opposed to it and you haven't said anything to her, you probably should. I mean if I knew you in real life and I knew you didn't want any part in it, I would at least leave the room and go do it somewhere else, but at the same time I'm not sure how understanding of a person she is.
I don't talk to her anymore. I have told her everything that she has done wrong in my life, but she chooses to deny it.. all of it. She's never done anything wrong (as she claims).
And I choose to not talk to her until she admits her faults. I haven't seen her in at least 3-4 years. The last time I talked to her was on my birthday (which was nearly 9 months ago now).